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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] DISCUSS: Define role for "maintenance release coordinator"

Hi Scott,

I disagree:

The current situation is not sufficient at all:

We are not able to organise thinks in a form, that we are able to fix known CVEs in a given time - let's say 90 days, as shown with the current reported two issues form myself. I recognised, reporting security issues on the (at that time) intended way is not enough to get them fixed. If I want to get it done, then I have to do it by myself. I am in a position where I can push things forward - but it takes very much time and resources to fix it everywhere (completely) at the moment. A normal Contributor, who only is being able to report the issue (and this should be welcome too), can only hope it will be done in some (far) future...

And doing a Service Release on my own is another security issue:
If one of us get hacked his/her credentials could be used to publish a release on Maven Central with the attack included! Such a release will be advertised to others by i.e. Dependabot then before somebody recognise it as harmful and we again can do a Service Release to fix it...

So I think there must be some improvement in our JESP (And EFSP, MPSP...) to raise the barrier to prevent this happen. It also should prevent worse things happen, if anybody changes to the dark side - even if I don't expect this now for all the community members I know and trust well, but this is how zero trust works.

We have existing and upcoming regulation in the US and the EU that requires us to make progress, if Jakarta EE is used in critical environments in the future too.

And there are organisations that are responsible to do it and get paid for this already: Some companies sell Licences, SaaS-Offerings and Subscriptions to customers, who expect maintenance is done. Some of these Organisations pay for the EF Membership and the Jakarta EE WG Membership. The EF pays their staff for doing work in this direction etc.

So expecting community volunteers doing it seams not the best solution to me.

I am not sure we need a (separate) role, but we need to do some progress in the security aspect.



Am 01.08.23 um 22:25 schrieb Scott Stark via jakartaee-platform-dev:
On Tue, Aug 1, 2023 at 12:41 PM Edward Burns via
jakartaee-platform-dev <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Do we need this role?
No. The platform and profile releases are major release only type of
specifications. Service releases for CVEs are the only thing I can
see, maybe doing something for until the next major release is out.

How rigorously do we need to define it?

Not at all.
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