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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Jakarta EE 9, Web Profile and XML Web Services

On 9/1/20 5:06 PM, Scott Marlow wrote:
The Platform TCK does contain optional tests that use*L240__;Iw!!GqivPVa7Brio!PezSul_gx5eKlC0Pbqv33MzE2W3q_m9cI3QgR5uPrFeKlN1SgCXoRpDFFb6L8RPp67M$ is an example of keywords that opt into some of these tests:

webservices javaee jaxws_web_profile javaee_web_profile_optional

I believe that `jaxws_web_profile` in this context is there to test the interactions of web-profile with JAXWS APIs/implementation coming from JDK; in the other words these tests should not be changing javax.xml.{bind,soap,ws,...}->jakarta.xml.{bind,soap,ws,...}, since nobody is removing javax.xml.{bind,soap,ws,...} packages from SE 8 which is the base now and the requirement to support all APIs available in Java SE 8 is there in EE 9 as well. But I may be wrong...


Also, as mentioned on*issuecomment-684869192__;Iw!!GqivPVa7Brio!PezSul_gx5eKlC0Pbqv33MzE2W3q_m9cI3QgR5uPrFeKlN1SgCXoRpDFFb6LhKK19Nw$ , I'm not sure why the GlassFish 6.0 Web Profile doesn't support but I agree that the CDI TCK could make the tests optional or excluded, since they are not required.

  * Change this TCK reference back to javax (vs jakarta).  Since our
    first requirement for Jakarta EE 9 is Java SE 8, this would get us
    up and running and be consistent with our release plan.  Supporting
    Java 11 down the road (9.1?) would resurface this problem.

IMO, I would rather exclude or make the relevant tests optional.

  * Modify the TCK to not rely on this XML Web Service reference.  Not
    sure on the impact of this request.

IMO, this sounds like either excluding the CDI tests that reference XML Web Service or making the relevant tests optional some other way (if that is possible).

IMO, making the XML Web Service tests optional would align better with*a2161__;Iw!!GqivPVa7Brio!PezSul_gx5eKlC0Pbqv33MzE2W3q_m9cI3QgR5uPrFeKlN1SgCXoRpDFFb6LcHZwhaY$ .

Any other ideas?

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect @ IBM
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)

From: "Steve Millidge (Payara)" <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 09/01/2020 08:30
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [jakartaee-platform-dev] Jakarta EE 9,        Web Profile and XML Web Services
Sent by: jakartaee-platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx


We are hitting an issue with GlassFish on the Web Profile TCK and in particular with CDItckporting see _;!!GqivPVa7Brio!PezSul_gx5eKlC0Pbqv33MzE2W3q_m9cI3QgR5uPrFeKlN1SgCXoRpDFFb6L1_c7TRg$ background.

My summary is we are hitting ClassNotFoundException in GlassFish Web Profile for as Web Services are not part of the Jakarta EE 9 Web Profile.

However is present in the JDK hence this wasn’t a problem in Jakarta EE 8 on the Web Profile

The  Jakarta EE 9 Web Profile specification _*determining-applicable-requirements_states__;Iw!!GqivPVa7Brio!PezSul_gx5eKlC0Pbqv33MzE2W3q_m9cI3QgR5uPrFeKlN1SgCXoRpDFFb6LBJbLycA$

“For a similar reason, all Web Profile 9 APIs must support the Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 8 API, and all Web Profile 9 products must run on Java™ Platform, Standard Edition 11 runtime.”

So what should we as the GlassFish project do in this circumstance wrt to support for XML Web Services?

I haven’t checked to see whether it is possible to isolate the reference to the classes in the GlassFIsh codebase specifically for Web Profile yet however I thought it best to raise this to the Platform project.

Apologies if my summary is not clear as it is not all clear in my head ?

*Steve Millidge
Director and Founder
Payara Services Ltd**/
Payara Enterprise – Software, Security, Stability, Support./*

E: _steve.millidge@payara.fish_ <mailto:steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>|US: +1 415 523 0175 |UK: +44 207 754 0481 |M: +44 7920 100626


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