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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: Specifications to add inJakartaEE 9

> On Nov 27, 2019, at 3:16 PM, Erik Brangs <erik.brangs@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> On 27.11.2019 22:09, Jason Greene wrote:
>> Not bringing in JAXB is actually the better outcome in terms of compatibility, since we will end up with 1 JAXB instead of the 2 it would create bringing it over, and no code changes will be required to use it (since the package names stay the same, vs it was brought over existing applications would have to change to use it). My guess is most venders will still ship the original JAXB, but for those that don’t adding is one simple step of adding it to the deployment or to the runtime’s global classpath. A step that is much less work than dealing with package renames and the fact that now JAX-WS uses a different JAXB than the one in the platform.
> That assumes that you're not adding JAX-WS to Jakarta EE. If you added both JAX-WS and JAXB, you'd still have only one JAXB.

Right, and that’s the case with the votes as presented, it was only JAXB and JAF being voted on, JAX-WS was not included and AFAIK there isn’t a vote planned for that. Any future vote to bring over JAX-WS would have to bring over JAXB as well, since the former is tightly coupled to the latter.


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