As have been said before we are only discussing what is to be included in the Full/Web Profile of the Jakarta EE 9 platform spec.
Any spec we decide not to add or we decide to prune still exists and can still evolve within the Jakarta spec process and EE4J top level project if committers are interested. Also
the pruned spec can still be included by a product or used standalone. Not being included in the platform spec just means a vendor is not required to provide an implementation to get the compatibility logo.
I think that’s clearly a Question for many of the legal Folks at Eclipse Foundation and others (especially Oracle who was the main or only contributor during JCP
times) if the reverse direction of other discussed possibilities like graduating selected MicroProfile features into Jakarta EE specs was also possible?
Under an assumed Name of
"microprofile-jaxb" or similar.
No Need to be a lawyer, that it must neither Keep the javax nor a jakarta Namespace anywhere,
if such a fork was even possible.
If nobody else wants JAXB, I could offer to further maintain it separately as a EF project outside of the Jakarta EE platform scope.
So you do not have to care about it, and I would care about those people that like to get it enhanced.
if so, what do we do with Mark K.s Nov 18th written feedback on active contributors to JAXB? ... JAX-WS?
There still are people out there who actively use JAXB and who even like to contribute new
features to drive new releases of JAXB (me included).
It is not possible to make everyone happy while the renaming occurs yet I like the idea of
later time "evolving those API" yet I worry that today we already know that there are contributors, via actions do we choose to tell them that their collaborations must stop until they rally forces to prove us wrong b/c their voice today is not enough prove.
there is no neutral ground in this ecosystem, there is this forum that traces how we get to
a future. :) lets keep this thread going!
I think the JAXB and JAX-WS question has to be answered. I think we either need to add both of them, or neither of them. At this point, I would prefer that we don't add either
of them. Let both JAXB and JAX-WS to continue to live in their current state using the javax package name. If we get enough interest in evolving these and supporting these in the future, then we can entertain bringing them forward -- maybe as standalone
Specs under EE4J, maybe as part of the Platform. But, let's not make this decision right now. There are several app servers that already support Java SE 11 with these "missing" features and they have figured out a way to support them. Let's leave it that
way until someone shows a need and desire to move them.
I'm okay with Activation since Bill has shown an interest in moving that forward for Jakarta EE mail. But, even if that got "dropped" to be consistent with none of the Java SE technologies
moving into Jakarta EE, I would be fine with that as well.
Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Jakarta EE architect
e-mail: sutter@xxxxxxxxxx Twitter: @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)
From: "Steve Millidge (Payara)" <steve.millidge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
To: jakartaee-platform developer discussions <jakartaee-platform-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 11/17/2019 10:58
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [jakartaee-platform-dev] VOTE: Specifications to add in Jakarta
EE 9
Sent by: jakartaee-platform-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

See previous email for context.
All committers please vote on this proposal for specifications to added from Java SE 8 to the Jakarta EE 9 platform specification.
The following APIs corresponding to Java SE 8 APIs will be
added to Jakarta EE 9 Full Profile
- Jakarta XML Binding
- Jakarta Activation
Please vote by reply with +1, 0, -1 in accordance with the Eclipse Development Process.
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