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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Running TCK


On Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 11:09 PM Ryan Cuprak <rcuprak@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Has anyone run the TCK? I would like to run it against a couple of different implementations and get a better sense of how it is implemented etc.

I've run the TCK. It's doable, but a little bit confusing and time consuming at first. Some TCKs take dozens of hours to run, like e.g. the EJB one. The Jaspic/Authentication one is the shortest, and takes just ~10 minutes.

You can't just run it against different implementations. This is not something like e.g. Java EE 7 samples, which allows you to do just that. The default code is set to run against GlassFish, and GlassFish only. In order to run it against any other implementation, you need to heavily modify the scripts that you are allowed to modify (see docs), and you need to develop a porting package. In a very abstract sense that's all a little what things like Arquillian already have done for various servers, but the main TCK doesn't use Arquillian (CDI, Bean Validation and Batch do).

Hope this helps a little.

Kind regards,


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