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Re: [jakartaee-platform-dev] Java EE Guardians Statement on Oracle/Eclipse Agreement

Thanks Ryan and others contributor of blog post.

I must renaming packages. Okay, but do we have all informations to make good decisions ? This document describe mapping between old packages and new packages :

I can see on document : jakarta.jms instead of javax.jms
Mike said on this mailing-list that it is okay.
But on certain thread, we can see jakarta.messaging instead of javax.jms. Why not ?

Is it status of document ? complete ? or/and validated ?

Before renaming package, we have a issue "Change project name to Jakarta" ( This blog post of Wayne Beaton are suggestions for changing name (

Same answer ? Is it status of document ? complete ? or/and validated ?

My personal view, i found dommage to lose notion of API. One advantage of Java EE was one set of coherent API. I can use JPA on JavaSE without a all platform. I can create WS with JAX-RS without CDI but with Spring.
But I can create WS with JAX-RS, CDI et JPA.
I would appreciate reponse of Dennis 'No more "us vs them" thinking with regard to the ecosystem'

As developers, i'd like a new features on the platform. For example, i will change/upgrade my apps Java EE 8 for using CDI 2.0. As developers, i don't change/upgrade my apps for only renaming packages.

Don't must you take a another approach ?
We could work on a new version 9 with Jakarta 8 EE and new specifications : Configuration, NoSQL and others. During this period, we work to define all informations for changing naming package.

I fear that on ten or tweety day, we can take a risk to take a bad decision.

On another point, i'm uncomfortable talking about microprofile without them. Microprofile is independent community. Jakarta community isn't superior at Microprofile community For example, i talk before of configuration specification but it's more on ConfigJSR that MP Config


Le 04/06/2019 14:54, Josh Juneau a écrit :
Thanks for posting the statement and sharing your thoughts Ryan.

I agree that I'd like to see changes (new features) in the platform
sooner, rather than later.  We are all in a ship that has been
cruising at the same speed for a number of years now, while other
ships are sailing past.  In an effort to keep the platform relevant,
new features need to be added in a timely manner.

I am of the opinion that we need to perform a switch over to the
jakarta package namespace at once.  The platform is changing from Java
EE to Jakarta EE.  I think it will be much easier for the community
(and newcomers) to understand that they are moving from the older
platform to the newer platform, rather than revisiting the "old"
packages each time an upgrade occurs.  I won't reinvigorate this
discussion here on this thread...the original package renaming thread
contains lots of great discussion already.

I think MicroProfile makes sense as a "profile" of Jakarta EE.  It
will be confusing if Jakarta EE is a platform that contains a number
of profiles (web, standard), and MicroProfile is a "different"
initiative that uses Jakarta EE specs.  Perhaps to start slowly,
rolling some of the features of MicroProfile into Jakarta EE 9 makes
sense.  Java EE has been waiting for Health Checking and Configuration
for years...why not make use of the excellent work done by
MicroProfile and roll it into Jakarta EE?

Thanks again

On Mon, Jun 3, 2019 at 6:02 PM Ryan Cuprak <rcuprak@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Just thought I’d add my own thoughts…

- I would like to see newer features added sooner than later to keep
the platform fresh.
- Despite being somewhat cautious, I would like to see the switch to
Jakarta EE packages sooner than later and not drawn out. Perhaps new
specs added with the existing specs doing the rename.
- While I know that MicroProfile is a separate project, I think it
is causing confusion. Spring Boot definitely has the mindshare.
I’ve never met anyone saying “I doing MicroProfile” but I have
met many ardent fans developing Spring Boot applications.


On Jun 3, 2019, at 5:13 PM, Ryan Cuprak <rcuprak@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

A heads-up to those on this list, the Java EE Guardians have
published a statement on the agreement between Oracle and Eclipse:


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