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[jakartabatch-dev] Rundown of remaining Batch 2.1 items including finalizing module-info , TCK

Let me just run down quickly the remaining items for Batch 2.1 EE 10.  

I'll just say upfront we basically have resource lined up (in the form of Ondro and me) to do this...

What I'd most ask for help on is:

* review/feedback for the TCK (e.g. attempt to execute the tests in the milestone release, or even the latest in 'master') .  
* Any last input on module-info (see 2. below).

So the list:

1.  TCK - add EJB execution to Arquillian - Ondro is working on this (thank you)

2.  Review our module-info.   We had a good amount of discussion and ended up deciding to declare cdi and inject each as optional ('static', compile time) deps, and reworking to remove the hard java.logging dependency.

module jakarta.batch {

    requires static jakarta.cdi;
    requires transitive static jakarta.inject;

    uses jakarta.batch.operations.JobOperator;
    // plus export all packages

I dropped the PR approval after pushing the latest so would appreciate someone adding a review:

3. TCK Guide - rework (as we moved from Ant->Maven) - I am planning on doing this.

4. Spec doc - Change History - I will do this if needed, but someone else could take a shot at it if desired.

5 . Everything else  / misc.  (I will plan on doing all this bookkeeping.. might be hard to divide up to get assistance at this point):
  - Legal - copyright review
 - remove batch from platform TCK
 - record CI results,
 - specifications PR

Thanks, getting close..
Scott Kurz
WebSphere / Open Liberty Batch and Developer Experience

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