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Re: [jakartabatch-dev] Check for the presence of security manager in BatchRuntime

Le lun. 20 juil. 2020 à 13:20, Scott Kurz <skurz@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

I see this as a fair change to make for EE 9, (though the overall goal is just to move from javax->jakarta).. I see this as a "bug".

Romain I wasn't sure want you meant by "ambiguous" provider, but don't think we've discussed.

Assume I have 2 or 3 providers (thanks transitive deps ;)), which one should be used?
Default in EE is to fail but here it runs and if the impl is not configured, the joboperator can not behave as expected (wrong db or so).

Anyway I merged the PR.

Thanks Cheng,
Scott Kurz
WebSphere Batch and Developer Experience

Inactive hide details for Romain Manni-Bucau ---07/19/2020 12:38:08 AM---+1, seems overdue Side (unrelated but saw checking theRomain Manni-Bucau ---07/19/2020 12:38:08 AM---+1, seems overdue Side (unrelated but saw checking the pr) note: generally EE provider

From: Romain Manni-Bucau <rmannibucau@xxxxxxxxx>
To: jakartabatch developer discussions <jakartabatch-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 07/19/2020 12:38 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [jakartabatch-dev] Check for the presence of security manager in BatchRuntime
Sent by: jakartabatch-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx

+1, seems overdue

Side (unrelated but saw checking the pr) note: generally EE provider loaders fail when a provider is ambiguous, maybe we should open an issue about it if not already discussed?

Le dim. 19 juil. 2020 à 05:19, Cheng Fang <cfang@xxxxxxxxxx> a écrit :

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