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[jakartabatch-dev] Plan for EE 9 PR by end of week ; Need review of XSD change !

Plan update - To meet the Sep. 16th planned date for EE 9, the Jakarta Batch project has a target of having our release PR ready by 7/27 (a week from today).
(We're in "Wave 4" here: )

The items remaining are:

1. XSD update
2. TCK signature tests
3. TCK guide documentation update
4. Specification PRs

So for 1., the XSD update, could someone please review: ?

I decided it'd be simpler to just define our own version type ('batchVersionType') instead of having to include the common
Note the XSDs are not in the API jar. It's not that I removed them..they'd never been there in the first place... and it's not something I was able to get to (but someone else could if they wanted).

Once we agree I can send the PR I have to the related platform project (which is where the XSDs get published from, so in a sense more "official" or primary than our project versions..trying to keep track of all the sources here:

As far as the signature tests, I think I can pull something together from my notes here: but my understanding here is pretty shallow.
I haven't found the platform TCK doc here to be too helpful. If anyone is familiar and wants to help please let us know.

(For the 3. and 4. updates I expect to do that myself, just mentioning.)

Scott Kurz
WebSphere Batch and Developer Experience

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