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[jakartabatch-dev] Jakarta Batch update complete for Jakarta EE 9 platform milestone release; Help wanted for signature tests


Quick update and a call for help on maybe the last non-trivial work (the signature tests) remaining for Batch in the Jakarta EE 9 release:

First, as you may know the Jakarta EE 9 Platform is doing a milestone release at the platfom level. 

As of today the Batch piece of this is basically complete:

which pulled together these releases:

The API and IMPL have also been pulled into the Glassfish platform impl as well.

Thanks to Theodor for help on the TCK, and to Thodoris, Thomas, Ehsan, Gaurav on the spec/API project !

As I mentioned, the biggest piece left is probably the signature tests.   It's a bit demotivating to realize these same tests are already included in the platform TCK, but constructing our own execution in our batch standalone TCK is something I haven't yet figured out.

I left some notes of where I left off and what needs to be done here, in case anyone is interested in picking up on this.

Scott Kurz
WebSphere Batch and Developer Experience

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