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[] Jakarta EE Announcement Improvements - PR Merged - Update

Friday Jakartees, 

In preparation for the May Jakarta EE 9.1 release, current Working Group actions allows us to end April in a really good foot. 

The Jakarta PR Announcements section #879 was merged this AM, almost 8 months later.

For those of you who might have missed it, we created a power point presentation (PDF attached) to explain why improvements were needed.  After presenting it to the Jakarta committees, the presentation was added into the PR ~ Jan 2021. It provides a + 3yrs stats on communication impact and global outreach. 

Immediate improvements with this merge:
  1. pg. 8 Use
  2. spotlight more voices - change the stats on pg 5
  3. prioritize the Jakarta Working Group as first. change the stats on pg 6
  4. users: The 3 Commitees 
  5. implementing a formal process for WG announcements 
  6. + more
This win belongs to the entire ecosystem. 
Special thank you to the EF Infra Team. Thank you to everyone, who moved the niddle to get to today's merged. 

PS: I tweeted to highlight beautiful Chris and the Webmaster team. You ROCK

Wishing everyone a peaceful weekend, 

Attachment: Jakarta EE Announcements.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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