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Re: [] Code for generating jakartaee-platform/namespace/dependencies.json

Here is the list message that has the code reference and description of why you don't see that reference under EJB.

The short answer is it's a "things that depend on me" graph, not a maven "things I depend on graph."  So the EJB<>JAX-RPC relationship is on the JAX-RPC side, stating "EJB depends on me"

The upshot of that is everything in this section are all the specs that are blocked until JAX-RPC releases.  That would be ejb-api and management-api.  So the document over all is a "who am I blocking" document.

These specifications aren't depended on by any specification, so can be released at any time.

Now, there is are two caveats:

 1. this is a pure packge perspective, not a jar perspective.  As you note, some of the jars contain other specs, such as EJB.  I'm not sure how we've been creating these mixed api jars.
 2. these dependency lists are rolled-up (transitiveness has been flattened), so the specs listed under a section may not be immediately unblocked.  i.e. releasing javax.xml.rpc immediately removes that block from javax.ejb which eventually allows to be released.

A quick analysis of at least the first two "waves" of releases are:

WAVE 0 (can happen at any time)

WAVE 1 (critical)

These two specifications block the the remaining specifications and must be released ASAP


Then CDI and servlet become unblocked and can be released:


Haven't figured this one out yet, but it looks like the worst of the blocking is over at this point.

David Blevins

On Jul 17, 2019, at 8:45 PM, Scott Stark <starksm64@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I think I asked this before, but I can’t find the answer, so what code was used to generate the jakartaee-platform/namespace/dependencies.json file?

The reason being is that there is something wrong. For example, the classes in the jakarta.ejb-api.jar
artifact list classes from jakarta.xml.rpc-api.jar such as javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext rather than showing these as being referenced. For some reason the actual class referencing javax.xml.rpc.handler.MessageContext, which is javax.ejb.SessionContext, does not show this reference.

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