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Re: [] Fork Eclipse MicroProfile Configuration as Jakarta Configuration.


On 07/04/2020 04:27, Reza Rahman wrote:
* Basing a core, long-term, open standard on the concept of microservices (e.g. having a name like "MicroProfile") is very high risk as microservices themselves may not stand the test of time in the next five years or even past a serious economic recession when IT belt tightening inevitably happens. I think you likely know Thougthworks has essentially stated microservices may never enter the mainstream. In the blogosphere, there is an increasingly bold anti-microservices ethos. Lastly and most importantly this ethos is actually being realized in real world IT.

I never understood the hype around microservices. Microservices are not a silver bullet.

Like any other technology, microservices have benefits and drawbacks. If monoliths are a better fit for my requirements, I will build a monolith. I also won't convert existing applications to microservices just because I can. A move to microservice has to be triggered by requirements and I don't see that happening for the applications I work on.

* There are a few cohorts of "Java EE" customers. There is a fairly sizable community that still hold faith in Jakarta EE for all the right reasons. These folks are rightfully vocal and passionate. There is a larger cohort now that is nervous and watching closely as to what is going on with Jakarta EE. There is yet another cohort that is actively moving away from Java EE. The problem with the strategy you are proposing is that it will inevitably create shock waves. The problems with shock waves is that their outcome is highly unpredictable. One outcome could be a successful transition to MicroProfile. Another equally probable outcome is that users many not view this transition so charitably and basically decide such a volatile and uncertain technology set is simply not for them and they need to seek out a more stable one that isn't asking them to make a giant leap of faith.

I certainly wouldn't want a "transition" to MicroProfile or a cloud-only approach.

I still want support for older deployment scenarios (e.g. one application server with multiple applications) and I still want Jakartaa EE to develop new features for this scenario.

Right now all of our web applications are being developed with Java EE (because no "useful" version of Jakarta EE has been released yet). We're using EE because it provides a stable platform that contains almost everything that we need and because we value the backwards compatibility. My hope is that Jakarta EE moves from "has almost everything you need"
in the direction of "has literally everything you need a for a run-of-the-mill application" over time.

Kind regards,

Erik Brangs

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