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[] REMINDER: Jakarta EE Update call, Wednesday, November 13, 11:00am EST

Hello Jakarta EE community,

quick reminder about theĀ  Jakarta EE Update call on Wednesday, November 13th. Our current focus is "jJkartifaying" specification documents that are released in specification projects and planning / working on Jakarta EE 9.

Here is the link to the Jakarta EE Community Calendar with dial in details.

We will use this folder to store material to be used on the call. The topics to be discussed are:


  • Jakarta Security and Jakarta RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) spec committers / leads to share experience of "Jakartifying" their specification documents

    • Arjan Tijms and Markus KargĀ 

  • Jakarta EE 9 release - roadmap

    • Jakarta EE Platform member, Steve Millage

  • Elections results - Tanja Obradovic

Steering Committee

  • Arjan Tijms - Elected Committer Representative

Marketing and Brand Committee

  • VACANT - Elected Participant Representative

  • VACANT - Elected Committer Representative

  • Topics / question from the community

If any questions / comments please drop me a note.


Tanja Obradovic

Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.

Twitter: @TanjaEclipse

Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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