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Re: [] targeting JDK 8 *and* JDK 11?

Lukas Jungmann wrote on 9/24/19 1:45 AM:
> On 9/24/19 1:52 AM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> That didn't change the behavior.  I still get module javadocs.
> back behind the computer and adding
> <release>8</release>
> <sourceFileExcludes>
>     <sourceFileExclude></sourceFileExclude>
>     <sourceFileExclude>com/**</sourceFileExclude>
> </sourceFileExcludes>
> to your configuration of javadoc-plugin at
> produces
> javadoc the way you want it - at least on my end.

Oh, very nice!  Thank you, Lukas!

> Note that using subpackages option together with sourceFileExclude does not work
> "by design" (maven will issue a warning: "[WARNING] sourceFileIncludes and
> sourceFileExcludes have no effect when subpackages are specified!")
> BTW: when trying to build the project on my env (osx/jdk11/mvn 3.6.0) I had to
> also add '<skipMain>true</skipMain>' to the compiler plugin configuration in
> jakarta.activation-api project and something similar is probably needed in demos
> to skip creation of OSGi manifest.

Yes, I discovered that late yesterday and just fixed it myself this morning.

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