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Re: [] targeting JDK 8 *and* JDK 11?

Lukas Jungmann wrote on 9/23/19 4:26 AM:
> On 9/21/19 1:13 AM, Bill Shannon wrote:
>> However, javadoc isn't working:
>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
>> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.1.1:javadoc (default) on project
>> jakarta.activation: An error has occurred in Javadoc report generation:
>> [ERROR] javadoc: error - No source files for package javax.activation
>> I even tried "mvn javadoc:javadoc" on the jaxb-api project and it fails
>> for a different reason:
> blame buggy maven-javadoc-plugin here[1]; what must work for me is 'mvn clean
> install' and 'mvn clean install -Poss-release' (with -Dgpg.skip=true
> eventually). I treat 'javadoc:javadoc' as nice to have thing, so unless there is
> a strong wish and demand for that, it is unlikely that I'll be putting in some
> solution for it (read as "IMHO too much work for a little gain")

Are you just generating the javadocs separately, without using Maven?

How does the javadoc jar file get generated when you do "mvn deploy"?

>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
>> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-javadoc-plugin:3.1.1:javadoc (default-cli) on
>> project jakarta.xml.bind-api: An error has occurred in Javadoc report generation:
>> [ERROR] Exit code: 1 - error: module not found: java.xml.bind
>> I played around with the javadoc tool by hand, using the options the
>> maven-javadoc-plugin generates, and I can't figure out how to generate
>> the javadocs for a module.  Have you made this work?
> yes, I made that work - removing lines related to '--patch-module' and
> '--module-source-path' options and explicitly adding '--source-path' pointing to
> the main source roots (src/main/java etc) helped

Yes, I can run javadoc by hand if I ignore the module options.

Have you made Maven run javadoc this way?

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