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Re: [] Jakarta Tech Talks, meetups starting January 2019 with Jakarta EE NoSQL

Exactly, Werner! I think two communities need to work together more and promote each other. Jakarta EE + MicroProfile -> Super powerful, as hinted by Adam Bien in his talks.

On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 10:19 PM Werner Keil <werner.keil@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for the clarification. I agree, because in many cases topics are synergetic, so keeping them apart in 2 different threads might create more confusion among the audience.


On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 10:56 PM Emily Jiang <emijiang6@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We are not discussing whether to keep two communities separate or not in this thread, as it was discussed in the past and concluded that they are separate for the time being. A few of us (including me and Kevin) were interviewed by JAXenter a few months ago about this top. You can read here (

We are here to talk about the talks promoted by Eclipse Foundation. I am more than happy to talk about MicroProfile in the series, organised by Tanja. Personally I think it is a great idea. We always try to make sure the two community complimentary to each other and we work well together. 

I don't think talking about MicroProfile under Jakarta EE themed sessions do any harm and hint anything except we are both under Eclipse Foundation and work well together. In Java conferences, we talk about _javascript_, talk about kotlin. Does it mean Kotlin and _javascript_ are Java? Likewise, we can talk about Jakarta EE or MicroProfile in each other's domain themed sessions. If majority of the sessions are about Jakarta EE, it is reasonable to add odd topics on MicroProfile.... almost like guest speakers...

I think it is a great idea for Tanja to lead this forward and benefit both communities.
Kudos to Tanja for orgainising this!

My 2cents.

On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 6:02 PM Werner Keil <werner.keil@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
To keep what separated, the talks?

There was a brief mention of the subject in the Spec Committee call and some, including Arjan or myself noted, certain specs or technologies in MicroProfile largely overlap with Jakarta EE specs, while others may be just some "glue" between e.g. FailSafe and Java/CDI that could be far too narrow for standardization in its current form. Those that duplicate scope and effort of other specs distract and confuse and of course they drain people's resources because it's usually the same people contributing to both. 
So if the statement is about keeping MicroProfile and Jakarta EE separate and not the talks, I guess some should, while others would benefit from joining forces.

Is there a reason to keep MicroProfile under "Technology" instead of EE4J over time? That does not mean all of it has to follow the same process or each MicroProfile technology has to become a Jakarta EE spec, but it seems more logical. 


On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 6:48 PM Markus KARG <markus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I'd like to vote for keeping it separated.



From: [] On Behalf Of Kevin Sutter
Sent: Mittwoch, 19. Dezember 2018 15:30
To: Jakarta EE community discussions
Subject: Re: [] Jakarta Tech Talks, meetups starting January 2019 with Jakarta EE NoSQL


Amelia is correct in some regards...  MicroProfile is its own entity, separate from Jakarta EE.  We have our own Marketing committee.  We have our own forums, we produce our own blogs, we present at conferences, etc.  But, we also need to recognize that we are part of the Eclipse Foundation family.  I have witnessed the support for MicroProfile by the Eclipse Foundation at several conferences this past year.  Along with the Eclipse newsletter, vBlogs, tweets, keynotes -- Eclipse Foundation fundamentally supports the MicroProfile efforts.  As they do with Jakarta EE.

So, in my opinion, if these Jakarta Tech Talks want to include topics related to MicroProfile, I think that's great!  Maybe a slight tweak in the name would help -- Jakarta and MicroProfile Tech Talks, if that's doable.  Otherwise, if we have any MicroProfile-specific talks, we can indicate that we are still a separate project as part of our introduction and then move into the details.  This should be considered yet another opportunity for the MicroProfile team to spread the word about the great work we're doing.

Now, with all of that explanation...  If the Jakarta Community would rather keep these Jakarta Tech Talks narrowed to just the Jakarta EE projects, then that's fine also.  No hard feelings.  But, if we are invited to participate in these Tech Talks, let's do it!  Thanks!

Kevin Sutter
STSM, MicroProfile and Java EE architect
e-mail:  sutter@xxxxxxxxxx     Twitter:  @kwsutter
phone: tl-553-3620 (office), 507-253-3620 (office)    

From:        Amelia Eiras <aeiras@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To:        Jakarta EE Community <>
Date:        12/18/2018 04:35 PM
Subject:        Re: [] Jakarta Tech Talks, meetups starting January 2019 with Jakarta EE NoSQL
Sent by:


Thanks for sending link to to enable Jakarta Tech Talks meetup group, just joined! :)
Thus far 26 Jakartees, lets participate beautiful Community.

I noticed MicroProfile being added to the sessions under the Jakarta talks. As a MicroProfiler Co-founder, I am requesting the immediate removal from the list today.
As stated in 2018 via many MicroProfile blogs and Q&A, the MicroProfile project will continue to be its own project, not under the Jakarta EE Project.
The MicroProfile project will manage via its community of volunteers 100% of all its marketing initiatives.

Lastly, I will follow up via the MicroProfile forum clarification on the latest Marketing MP call meeting with respect to that matter that continues to be brought in to the calls by the EF team.
Re-stating via this forum that the MP project won’t be marketed with the Jakarta EE project.

Happy to clarify any questions, should that be necessary,

Amelia Eiras

On Dec 17, 2018, at 12:00 PM, Tanja Obradovic <tanja.obradovic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Jakarta community!

I'd like to give you heads up on the meetup series we are preparing and introducing in January 2019. We named the session Jakarta Tech Talks , and we plan to meet once a month to start with and include wide range of topics related to Java Cloud Native technologies.

Please consider this as an invite to the first session Jakarta EE meets NoSQL planned for January 22nd, 2019 @ 11 AM EST. Refer to the link above or here for dial in details.

Other sessions we have planed in the following months are:  

James Roper, Reactive Streams
Kevin Sutter, Eclipse Project for Java Batch
Emily Jiang, MicroProfile next version
Markus Karg, JAX-RS

and many more...

If you have any suggestions or if you are interested to present in one of the future sessions, please let me know!

Best Regards,


Tanja Obradovic
Jakarta EE Program Manager | Eclipse Foundation, Inc.
Twitter: @TanjaEclipse
Eclipse Foundation: The Platform for Open Innovation and Collaboration

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