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Re: [iot-wg] IoT Developer Survey 2017 Questions

Hi Ian,


For question 9, you might want to consider that some developers plan to host on “cloud platforms” (a better term, IMHO, than cloud service offerings for some of these platforms) that may not provide explicit IoT support or may do so using cloud service models other than PaaS, certainly a possible scenario and one that may be compelled by a host of technical and business reasons.


Consequently, may I suggest that you consider adding these two very popular open source cloud platforms at a minimum:

* OpenStack

* Cloud Foundry





From: iot-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:iot-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Carrer, Marco
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2017 7:53 AM
To: IoT Working Group mailing list <iot-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [iot-wg] IoT Developer Survey 2017 Questions


Hello Ian.


A couple of suggestions.


Slide 23 of 2016 maybe split into two questions:

 - Field of interface used (gateway to device) - serial, BLE, …

 - Internet connectivity used (gateway to cloud) - cellular, Wi-Fi, …


Slide 19 of 2016 maybe split into three questions:

 - IoT Gateway Programming Language

 - IoT Application Programming Language

 - IoT Analytics Programming Language / Framework


Thanks a lot for the effort.







On Jan 16, 2017, at 11:00 PM, Ian Skerrett <ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:




The last two years the IoT WG has organized an IoT Developer survey. The results are available at:


We are now planning for the 2017 version of the survey.  The first step is to start with the 2016 questions and decide upon the questions for the 2017 survey.  At the next IoT WG call, I’d like to review the following document to get input from the members on what questions they would like to see in the survey.  We hope to have the questions finalized by the end of January and field the survey in early February.








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