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[iot-wg] Future of Eclipse Ponte - call to action!

Dear PMC (cross-post on iot-wg list as well) and Eclipse IoT community,

Jens and I just had a call with Matteo Collina, the project lead of Eclipse Ponte [1]. Eclipse Ponte is an interesting tool for tinkering with MQTT, HTTP and CoAP, and essentially enables to easily build back and forth bridges (ponte in italian!) between these protocols.
The project has been around at Eclipse IoT pretty much since the beginning, but recently Matteo had less and less time to dedicate to the project so he's looking for people interested in maintaining the project to step in. 

There is a call to action at: If you or anyone in your network is using Ponte actively, now is a good time to make yourself heard and maybe volunteer to help with the future of the project. If no one is taking over the project leadership we will be looking at archiving the project.

Benjamin –

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