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[iot-wg] IncQuery Labs requesting to join the IoT Working Group

Hi everyone!

My name is Istvan Rath and I'm CEO and co-founder of IncQuery Labs.  We are innovative B2B software company, specializing in research and development, ranging from startups to large multi national organizations. Focusing on smart & safe systems, we provide tailored and state-of-the-art engineering tool solutions in the Internet of Things, avionics, telecommunication and automotive domains.

Our company is a spin-off of a research group at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and we retain strong ties to this day. This means we are actively involved in teaching engineering courses and mentoring students. Recently, we have been collaborating with students on Modes3, an IoT demonstrator project that won 3rd prize at the Eclipse IoT Challenge 2.0 this year.

Modes3, among many Eclipse IoT technologies, is built on our flagship open source framework called VIATRA. While originally being an Eclipse Modeling technology (model queries, transformations, code generation, …), VIATRA is also a reactive programming framework with complex event processing capabilities that are relevant for the IoT domain (automation, sensor data processing, …). For the future, we plan on integrating this feature more deeply with the Eclipse IoT stack.

Since 2006, I have been a regular attendee and presenter at many academic and industrial conferences, including EclipseCons from 2010. This year, I’m attending EclipseCon Europe, where we are sponsoring the IoT Theme Day and are also presenting Modes3. You can find more details about this at

We look forward to working with you all.


István Ráth, PhD
Managing Director
IncQuery Labs Ltd.

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