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Re: [iot-wg] White paper for Eclipse IoT

Hi Ian, Benjamin,

Here's a proposal for some content for a Edje-related paragraph in the "OS Stack for Devices" section.
I couldn't edit on the doc itself, so here it is inlined, so it doesn't get lost.

Eclipse Edje defines a standard high-level Java API for accessing hardware features delivered by 32-bit microcontrollers (MCU) for using serial links, general purpose inputs/outputs, or digital/analog converters. MCUs are small, low-cost, low-power processors designed to run software in resource-constrained environments: low memory (typically KB), flash (typically MB) and frequency (typically MHz). MCUs are provided by silicon vendors along with evaluation kits and are typically the ideal vectors for large scale deployments of low-power and cost-effective IoT, embedded or wearable devices. Edje aims at unifying and easing the programming of apps for MCUs using the largely adopted Java language.

I'll try to get ASAP a working setup to be able collaborate on the doc.




Laurent Lagosanto
Senior Architect
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On 30/08/2016 19:57, Ian Skerrett wrote:

Benjamin and I have been working on a new way to talk about the Eclipse IoT community. Our community has come a long way over the last number of years.  We typically talk about Eclipse IoT as implementing IoT standards and IoT frameworks.  This is certainly still true but I think it does not encompass a lot of our new projects.


The new approach we are suggesting is to show how the Eclipse IoT community is implementing 3 different stacks of open source software for IoT solutions. The 3 stacks target: 1) devices, 2) gateways and 3) IoT platforms.  We have written the first draft of a white paper to describe each of these stacks.  We will also be following up with a presentation and eventually an update web site. 


During the IoT WG meeting on Wednesday we would like to discuss the white paper and get your feedback.







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