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[iot-wg] Eclipse IoT Day @ ThingMonk

Dear Working Group Members,

Last month we announced the Eclipse IoT Day @ Thingmonk, taking place on September 12 in London, UK. We’re pleased to say that the program has been finalized and is now live!

There is no other way to put it, the speaker line-up is great! Here’s what’s waiting for you at the Eclipse IoT Day:

  • Boris Adryan from Zühlke Engineering will be talk about Information Models and Ontologies for IoT.

  • Kamil Baczkowicz of DeltaRail will  share the success story of using MQTT and Eclipse IoT components in DeltaRail's state-of-the-art signalling control system.

  • Benjamin Cabé from the Eclipse Foundation will give an introduction to the key challenges of IoT and an overview of the approach undertaken by Eclipse IoT to develop an ecosystem of open-source technologies that will help you connect and manage your current and future IoT devices.

  • Dan Gross from Samsung US will be speaking about the new Samsung ARTIK IDE that is based on Eclipse Che.

  • Patrizia Gufler of IBM will talk about how to connect Eclipse Kura to IBM Watson.

  • Kai Hudalla of Bosch will tell us about the latest efforts within the IoT Working Group at Eclipse to create an open source based stack of components for implementing IoT solutions at cloud scale.

But wait, there’s more! London has an amazing IoT community so there is also a great opportunity to meet people doing real IoT solutions. To top it off, the registration price for the the Eclipse IoT Day is only £50. You can also attend Eclipse IoT Day + Thingmonk (3 days) for just £150. for by using this code eclipseiot, which gives you 25% off the regular price of £200.

Register here

We hope to see you in London!

Roxanne Joncas

On behalf of the Eclipse IoT Team

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