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[iot-wg] Fwd: Re: Agenda for IOT WG Meeting - April 27


Here is a presentation about the new Eclipse project trademark guidelines that Wayne Beaton will be using during our call later today.


On 26/04/16 10:51 AM, Ian Skerrett wrote:
The next IoT WG meeting will be tomorrow April 27 at 9amPT/12pmET/18:00CET. The call-in numbers are at

The proposed agenda is as follows:

- IAB Semantic Interop Workshop - Kai Kreuzer

- W3C Web of Things Workshop - Ian Skerrett

- Update on project trademark guidelines - Wayne Beaton

- Review project release schedule with a plan to do a press release in early June

- Update on IoT event participate, including IoT World, OSCON, Thingmonk

I hope you can join us.

Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
EclipseCon France 2016

Attachment: Eclipse Project Trademark Guidelines.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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