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Re: [iot-wg] OSGi not being listed under open standards


The list of standards is focused on the IoT protocols that the IoT group has been focusing on. There are a lot of existing standards, like OSGi, XML, http, etc, etc that can also be used.  The list is not meant to be exhaustive but a short list on the new IoT protocols.


On 13/01/2015 7:24 AM, Susan Schwarze wrote:

I had a look at your IoT challenge and look forward to hear about the results.
Nonetheless, I am very surprised to find no mentioning of OSGi, neither  in the short section about open standards nor as an underlying technology standard for the listed projects. Since the OSGi standard is being used in many of your projects, including the ones you mention there as IoT projects (ESH, Kura, Mosquitto etc.) I would appreciate to see OSGi listed here as an open standard as well.

Could you please list OSGi on this website?


Dr. Susan Schwarze
Director Standards, ProSyst Software
Board Member & VP Marketing, OSGi Alliance (

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