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[iot-pmc] PMC approval for Mosquitto 1.4 release

Dear PMC,

I would like to request approval for the release of Mosquitto 1.4.
This is the first release of Mosquitto in Eclipse, and is also the
longest time between releases for the project. I believe it to be a
high quality release, at least in part due to the long cycle and
increased opportunity for bug reporting and fixing.

The important changes include:

* Broker support for websockets
* Support for MQTT v3.1.1 throughout the project
* Improved bridge support for broker to broker communication
* TLS improvements, including support for wildcard certificates

The release plan and documentation is at this link:

Downloads are not yet available because I continue to receive bug
reports for the 1.4 branch - mostly fairly minor, but all things that
should be fixed if possible. The downloads will be on the Eclipse
mirrors as they should be.



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