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Re: [incubation] Publish "unofficial" releases and trademarks

AFAICT, you're engaged with the IP Team regarding your initial contribution. As soon as the IP Team grants "checkin", please move the code into the official Eclipse repository and start working from there.

You're in what I often refer to as an "invalid intermediate state". Perhaps that terms is a little harsh as your state is actually quite valid while the project is in transition. While you are in the process of moving the project over into the Eclipse forge, we expect that you're continuing to do development work and issue releases. 

Please just make sure that it's obvious that these are not official Eclipse project releases. You can link from the project page to this site, but make sure that it is entirely clear that the site is separate.

Please help us enforce the Eclipse Foundation's claim on the project's trademarks. For example, you can call your download "NumberFour IDE for Eclipse N4JS" to conform to our trademark usage guidelines. You can use the project logo, so long as you following the same guidelines. Your project logo should not derive from the project logo.

Please provide a statement to this effect somewhere on the page/site:

"Eclipse", "Eclipse N4JS", "N4JS", and the N4JS Logs are all trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation.



Wayne Beaton
Director of Open Source Projects
The Eclipse Foundation

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