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Re: [incquery-dev] misc notes on the xcore issue


as far as I know, the following heartbeat is current: and

Basically, there are nightly builds, weekly integration builds and six-weekly milestone builds. Sadly, I don't think there will be any milestone build before ECE.

However, as this bug is introduced in Luna, you could do your demo in Kepler + Xtext milestone + Xcore milestone, I guess.

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

On 2013.10.15., at 22:14, Istvan Rath <rath@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi  
> On Tuesday, October 15, 2013 at 7:39 PM, Ujhelyi Zoltán wrote:
>> luckily the PDE issue got fixed quickly.
> does anyone know when / how this will be available in builds? This is important in preparation for the ECE demo.

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