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[incquery-dev] Xtext 2.4 compatibility branch created


after quite a lot of work (thanks for the help to Gábor and István), I created the first working version of EMF-IncQuery that uses Xtext 2.4.

Because of the required stability for other projects (and as I am not 100% sure that all bugs are ironed out), I have only put it to a new branch on git, and would wait till Monday to merge it for real.

If someone would be kind to test it, he should install Xtext 2.4 (e.g. from the Kepler update site or the Xtext release site), check out the xtext-2.4 branch from git, and test it out. It is normal, that all IncQuery projects are to be cleaned and rebuilt, as there are some changes internally in the EMF metamodel, so the generated code does not work out of the box.

If some issue is found, please write a comment for

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

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