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Re: [incquery-dev] xtext 2.4?


there can be various ways to do it:

 1. We could do it before M3, as this is also a compatibility break. However, it would also make sense to make M3 the final Xtext 2.3 compatible version of IncQuery... Additional downside to this plan that I will not have any time this week to work with this. :)
 2. We could wait for the Modeling Distribution Kepler M7 (it should be available now from, but it is not out yet), as this marks a somewhat final release (only RC versions are remaining), thus making our version compatible with Kepler should be the simplest this way.
 3. We could work on 2.3 on an as long as possible way, which means, we should migrate around the IncQuery M4 (maybe a week before).

In reality, I believe, this migration will not require more then a few hours on the technical side (I have already experimented a bit with it, and some minor changes and serious testing will be needed), however communicating the update requirement might need some effort (and possibly coordination with at least the known IncQuery-using projects).

I think, the second option seems the best taken our constraints into consideration, and work could begin on it around the 19th of May.

-- Zoltán Ujhelyi

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

On 2013.05.12., at 19:10, Istvan Rath <rath@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi, 
> an interesting question has come up in the xcore vs incquery topic: as xcore uses xtext 2.4, our current limitation of 2.3 might be a problem. It also might be problematic in light of the upcoming Kepler release. 
> How / when do we make the move to xtext 2.4?
> Istvan 
> --
> Istvan RATH, PhD
> Research fellow
> Budapest University of Technology and Economics
> Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
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