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Re: [incquery-dev] IPatternMatch refactoring


-----incquery-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx ezt írta: -----

>A) IEventPatternMatch extends IPatternMatch, it also defines the
>appropriate eventPattern() method and the inherited pattern() method
>will return a null value and becomes deprecated.

I don't like this hack.

>B) The IPatternMatch gets refactored into a more generic interface
>(e.g. IMatch) by omitting the method pattern(); the latter interface
>will be extended by the IPatternMatch and the IEventPatternMatch by
>the appropriate method(s).

What do you really need in the common interface? Mapping positions and parameter names to value objects? 
How about ITuple?

>I find option B much more appropriate. 

I agree, but I also share the other István's concern about ripple effects.

An initial & superficial & quick & dirty change impact analysis:
 - ITuple and BaseTuple should extract parameterNames(), getters, setters, isMutable(), toArray(), prettyPrint(), isCompatibleWith() and most importantly the semantics.
 - ITuple needs a "schema", which is the pattern in case of IPatternMatch, and ComplexEventDefinition or whatever in your case. This is schema required, at the very least, for comparison in equals(). The type-safe alias pattern() should remain in IPatternMatch.
 - ITupleProcessor superinterface for IMatchProcessor... or maybe eliminate IMatchProcessor altogether.
 - an EVM Job should accept an ITuple, and the context-free/stateless version should be constructible for an ITupleProcessor of the right tuple type
 - Activation should associate with an ITuple
 - and the most difficult part: associating RuleSpecifications with something (~MatcherFactory) that will be able to hook onto an Engine to create an event source (~Matcher) that will eventually provide events characterized by ITuples of the right type.

For the last part, I think Ábel may provide more insight.


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