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Re: [incquery-dev] engine life-cycle listener


UPDATE: my vote goes for a new variant. I would extend the API with three register-deregister pairs:
- add/removeModelChangeListener
- add/removeIndexChangeListener
- add/removeMatchSetsChangeListener
where each interface has its own callback function. 
+ model, index, match set changes are not really lifecycle events in my opinion
+ whenever we wish to extend the range of events, we just need to add a listener interface and not fiddle with callback parameters

Anyway, what about "afterUpdate" listeners? Shouldn't they also be moved from the Matcher to the Engine? Or are they going away? 

Is "matchSetChanged" going to be plagued by the same caveats as "onMatchUpdate" now?

The rest:
- If not existing yet, I suggest to add two new callbacks to IncQueryEngineManager: 
-- "engineInitialized", as this is the point after which any component aware of the IncQueryEngineManager can access IncQuery's features through the engine
-- "engineRemoved"

- change "engineDisposeCalled" to "engineDisposed"

Finally, an idea probably for the future: is there a way to "deconstruct" a single matcher and remove it from an engine? If yes, there should be a callback method for signalling the removal.


Istvan RATH, PhD
Research fellow
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group

On Wednesday, April 17, 2013 at 7:01 PM, Ábel Hegedüs wrote:

Hi all,

please take a look at the listener interface created for engine life-cycle listeners (see

Any suggestions are welcome before we start to implement the provider and adapter for these  listeners.

   Ábel Hegedüs

Fault Tolerant Systems Research Group
Department of Measurement and Information Systems
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
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