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  • Re: [ide-dev] Interesting tweet about perfs, (continued)
  • [ide-dev] Reddit users around here?, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Yes another Java edition comparison between IJ and Eclipse IDE, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Eclipse is more memory-efficient than Intellij, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Tweet about SimRel naming, Gunnar Wagenknecht
  • [ide-dev] ZT 2017 survey vs Snyk 2018 survey: Eclipse IDE +18%, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Progress on @EclipseJavaIDE, Sopot Cela
  • [ide-dev] Splash screen for 2018-09, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Fun pics about Eclipse IDE, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Tip of the Day, Wim Jongman
  • [ide-dev] Tweet about Platform/JDT 4.8, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Anybody interested in writing an article for JAX Magasine?, Wayne Beaton
  • [ide-dev] Using less margin in our dialogs?, Lars Vogel
  • [ide-dev] Blog about issues with Java 10 support in Eclipse IDE, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] JDT rants, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] GTK scaling issues, Wim Jongman
  • [ide-dev] Please try out new debug option to show thread names, Andrey Loskutov
  • [ide-dev] Auto-configuring projects when opening editors, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Tips Framework, Wim Jongman
  • [ide-dev] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.server.WebSocketServerFactory - Appears on IDE only, Felix Lo
  • [ide-dev] Security flaw in ADT is somehow presented as a flaw in Eclipse IDE, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Keyboard Macros in Eclipse, Fabio Zadrozny
  • [ide-dev] Article highlighting strengths of Eclipse IDE over IJ, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Issue on Hudson builds, Fabio Zadrozny
  • [ide-dev] Renaming Eclipse EPP project into Eclipse IDE?, Mickael Istria
  • [ide-dev] Link from inside Eclipse IDE to how to contribute, Mickael Istria

  • Mail converted by MHonArc

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