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Re: [ice-dev] Enabling ConnectCoreAction

Hi Ram,

On 12/13/2016 9:33 AM, Ramachandran K. Narayanan wrote:
Hello Scott,

I am trying to verify the connection to the remote core, i.e. ensure it is valid and I think I would need help with testing the connection.

1) Currently, the connection is through the EDEF file. How would I test the connection

By calling importService(ed) you are testing/making the connection.   What importService does (with the ecf generic provider) is

a) establish a connection if none exists
b) communicates with the host/server about what services are available
c) creates and registers a proxy for the (in your case) ICore remote service

The registration of the ICore proxy will result in any/all consumers of the ICore service having access to the proxy.   This will work with any/all normal mechanisms for consuming a local OSGi service...e.g. ServiceTracker and DS.    Note that the ICore proxy should usually be considered dynamic (in DS sense), since it can 'go away' at any time (e.g. the connection gets broken).

There is a fair amount that occurs 'under the RSA covers', of course, and ECF's impl of RSA allows one to (e.g.) hook into the a, b, c above if necessary, but if importService returns a valid ImportRegistration (no exception) then the a, b, c above was accomplished successfully.

and should I necessarily inject via DS?

It's not at all a requirement, no.   The ICore proxy created by RSA/ECF 'looks' just like a local instance of the ICore service (there are some differences, of course, and the consumer can get information about and respond to those differences if desired).  But as per the Remote Services spec, the ICore proxy is a full local instance of the ICore just so happens that the method calls occur remotely.

In RSCore, does the bindCore function test the connection?

Effectively it does, since by the proxy being injected via RSCore.bindCore(ICore core) the a, b, c above was accomplished and the ICore proxy is ready to use.

Also, I find that when I'm testing a new remote service, I'll put test code directly in the bind method...e.g. to make sure that an actual remote call using the service can be made.

2) Also, my ConnectCoreHandler.execute() returns null, similar to other handler classes. I assume that the client would need to store a reference to the Core object to which it is discovering via EDEF. Would I get it through reg.getImportedService().getImportReference()? Here, reg is the ImportRegistration object.

It's only necessary that the ImportRegistration (or it's ImportReference) be stored if you want to explicitly unregister the remote service via ImportRegistration.close().   If you don't need/want to close it yourself (or rather have your user initiate the close) then it's not really necessary to hold onto the ImportRegistration or it's contents.   ImportRegistration/ImportReference are specified in RSA and are intentionally very similar to the OSGi ServiceRegistration/ServiceReference structure.

There's also meta-data in the ImportReference, but again it's not required that you care about that.   As per spec, the RSA impl holds onto these for you.   

Hopefully this helps.   If not, please LMK.



On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 4:43 PM Ramachandran K. Narayanan <knarayanan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello Scott,

Thanks a lot for taking a look. After including the distribution bundle, I get no error. I will look at using the imported ICore interface so I can verify its usage and understand the changes proposed in the structure as well.


On Mon, Dec 12, 2016 at 4:10 PM Scott Lewis <slewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 12/12/2016 12:18 PM, Billings, Jay Jay wrote:

​Scott, Ram,

To follow up on point 1 below, I agree that the current structure is not ideal. We'll have to change it and I'm looking at some related refactoring over the holiday. With respect to point 2 below, ideally a user would have a collection of clients, one of which is local. The idea here is that there will always be some base capability provided by the local client, but vendors - like RNET - may provide custom servers that the local client can connect to for more services.

Hi Jay,

Yeah...I understand.   One way to structure this would be to have one or more Core impls that can be used for local usage and/or remote usage, exported only on the server, and then allow consumers to know about/use multiple ICore instances (some local, some remote).   With remote services this is no problem at all...for example I know of an existing ECF commercial consumer that has an 'offline' client, where the service is locally provided, but allows 'online' instances where the service instance is an RSA-imported proxy.

For support of this...there are OSGi-specified service properties that allows service consumers to distinguish between 'regular' OSGi services and remote services.   Using DS Reference target, for example, will allow you to determine at injection time whether any/all the ICore service instances is 'regular' or 'remote'.  Specifically, any remote service has this service property set to non-null:   service.imported.

I'll be happy to help with any of this as needed.   IMHO a lot of the benefit of remote services is being able to use the OSGi dynamics support, versioning, service interface contract/impl + distribution separation that comes from OSGi services.


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Ramachandran K. Narayanan
Software Engineer
RNET Technologies Inc.
240 W.Elmwood Drive, Suite 2010
Dayton, OH 45459-4248
Ramachandran K. Narayanan
Software Engineer
RNET Technologies Inc.
240 W.Elmwood Drive, Suite 2010
Dayton, OH 45459-4248

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