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Re: [ice-dev] ICE installations with preset PTP configurations

> On Nov 18, 2016, at 5:34 AM, Greg Watson <> wrote:
> It’s possible to create remote connections programmatically, but I’m guessing you don’t want to do that.

No that’s not what I was looking for.  You guess it right.

> I tried simply copying the preferences into a new workspace and it seemed to be fine. Would that work for you? Otherwise I could add some functionality to load default connections from a text file or something similar. 
> The contents of the preference file (called org.eclipse.remote.core.prefs) was:
> connections/org.eclipse.remote.JSch/Remote+Host/JSCH_ADDRESS_ATTR=localhost
> connections/org.eclipse.remote.JSch/Remote+Host/JSCH_IS_PASSWORD_ATTR=false
> connections/org.eclipse.remote.JSch/Remote+Host/JSCH_LOGIN_SHELL_COMMAND_ATTR=/bin/bash -l -c '{0}'
> connections/org.eclipse.remote.JSch/Remote+Host/JSCH_PORT_ATTR=22
> connections/org.eclipse.remote.JSch/Remote+Host/JSCH_TIMEOUT_ATTR=0
> connections/org.eclipse.remote.JSch/Remote+Host/JSCH_USERNAME_ATTR=gw6
> eclipse.preferences.version=1
> The string “Remote+Host” is a URL encoded version of “Remote Host”. I put this file in ${workspace_loc}/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings

I’ll give this a try.  Maybe I can preset a workspace and place these settings in it.

> Regards,
> Greg 

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