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[ice-dev] Adding ECF modules - Building ICE

Hello ICE-Dev,

I am trying to import org.eclipse.ecf modules and I am having trouble setting up the relevant Target Platform in ICE (using ICE to build ICE).

I follow the instructions in adding ECF to the Target Platform from

But, when the workspace is rebuilt, I get the following error (ecf_sdk_error.png). I am using the ICE install from the stable nightly build. The screenshot is from 6th September zip file.

It looks like

a) I should use an older version of ECF so that the conflict does not occur. If someone has set this up before in ICE, could you explain how?

b) Maybe I should just work on ICE code using Eclipse Neon? Is the Plugin Environment detecting an "older" version of Eclipse in ICE somehow? I don't entirely understand the error.

Thanks for any inputs on this.


Attachment: ecf_sdk_eclipse_error.png
Description: PNG image

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