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[ice-dev] Moose Built on

Everyone (Greg in particular), 

I have a build of MOOSE up on now. With it there is a moose_test-opt executable that we can use to demonstrate a parallel application being run in ICE/PTP. The executable is located at /home/moose/moose/test/moose_test-opt.

Greg, for your example PTP launch, you can use this with the mooseModel.i and mug.e files that are in the data file of the USB image. To run manually 

mpiexec -np 6 /home/moose/moose/test/moose_test-opt -i mooseModel.i

(with mooseModel.i and mug.e in the run directory). 

I added /home/moose/testMoose directory with all the necessary files and an executable script to run the above. 

If you need this to run longer than it does for demo purposes, just change the Executioner > num_steps parameter in the mooseModel file to something larger than 15.


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