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[ice-dev] Tutorial preparation notes

Here are my notes from today’s meeting.

-1) Jay order USB sticks.

- ICE (Win/Max/Linux)
- Visit (Win/Mac/Linux)
- Docker images
- Tutorial slides and documentation
- Data files

0) Introduction to ICE and demo (Jay)
- Need to put together slides and demo

1) Introduction to developing scientific codes with PTP (Greg)
- Using standard PTP slides, updated as necessary

2) Extending the workbench to generate input files (Andrew)
- Create project generator tutorial using Fern
- Documentation on samples

3) Launching parallel jobs using Eclipse (Jay/Greg)
- Demo on how to use an ICE job launcher (Jay)
- Demo using PTP on real machine (Greg)
- Need to set up Torque on

4) Visualize data in 3D and analyze results locally or remotely (Robert/Tony)
- Visit working on Windows, but need to check Mac/Linux
- CSV/visit for 3D (Robert)
- Geometry/Mesh editor (Tony)

5) Generate custom UI widgets to make a unique domain-specific user focus (Jay)
- Get e4 injection working
- Still need slides and tutorial

6) Write, run, and execute scripts with EASE (Greg)
- Need slides and tutorial, already have examples
- Install Jython from EASE marketplace
- Open up scripting console and drag files

7) Developer menu tutorial (Alex)
- PDF done
- Need some slides

Tutorial walkthrough Tuesday 3/1 @10am

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