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Re: [ice-dev] Proposed EclipseCon tutorial breakdown

Here’s a picture of the whiteboard after today’s meeting for everyone’s reference. 


On Feb 25, 2016, at 2:15 PM, Jay Jay Billings <jayjaybillings@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Resending this to the list for our on-going planning discussion (happening now).


On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 10:35 PM, Jay Jay Billings <jayjaybillings@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Here's the outline for our tutorial:

  1. Learn how to create a simple, multicore/multithreaded high-performance simulator from scratch
  2. Learn how to extend the workbench to generate input files
  3. Learn the various ways that jobs can be launched in parallel from Eclipse
  4. Learn how to visualize data in 3D and analyze results locally or remotely
  5. Learn to generate custom UI widgets to make a unique domain-specific user focus
  6. Learn how to write run and execute scripts with EASE that modify the workbench
  7. Learn how to provide links to source code repositories for developers to download and configure in ICE

Here's the breakdown of who I think should lead each section above (and the rest of us will help them for that section):

  1. Alex
  2. Jay
  3. Jay & Greg
  4. Tony & Robert
  5. Jay
  6. Jay
  7. Alex

We have three hours for the tutorial and I would like to make sure that we plan for a 15min break in the middle. That means each section above can last no more than 23 minutes and that we should plan for no more than two exercises per section. (Fourteen exercises is a very respectable number of tutorial exercises, btw.) I suggest the following exercises and welcome your feedback:

  1. Checking out MOOSE & Creating a simple app (typical demo, but will require Docker for Windows)
  2. Create an ICE Model & Add data structures to flesh out the model
  3. Create an ICE Job Launcher & Launch remote applications with PTP
  4. Connect to VisIt (locally for the demo) & Analyze data from a job launch (3D and CSV)
  5. Create custom pages & Create custom component widgets
  6. Install EASE and Jython & Write a simple script using the platform module that creates and opens a CSV plot
  7. Add projects to the developer menu & Configure sub projects in the developer menu

We need to write short tutorials for each of these once we settle on the agenda, so please let me know what you think soon. (We'll write this up in LaTeX and use Pandoc to get it on the wiki.) We'll need to run through each of the exercises as a team and make sure that we can each do them in the allotted time.

That's all I've got for now. Getting a little sleepy!


Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings
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