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[ice-dev] Upcoming refactored visualization merger


I wanted to let you know that sometime later today or tomorrow I will be merging Robert's refactored visualization code into the Next branch. I will most likely merge Next into Master before this.

There is a lot of work left on Robert's branch to clean it up and get all of his tests working. We will continue to do that over the next few weeks before EclipseCon. You should not have any trouble building or using it on Windows or Mac OS/X. However, if you are using Linux that might be challenging if you are using the OpenJDK instead of Sun's version of Java. We almost exclusively use OpenJDK on our Linux systems, so here is how you fix it.

1.) Download a nightly build of the JDK fromĀ

2.) Un-tar the Linux archive into /opt or wherever you want to install it.

3.) Add it to the "alternatives" utility

alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk1.8.0_76/jre/bin/java 3

Note that you may have to change the install path at the end or choose another number instead of 3 if you already have multiple JDKs installed.

4.) Configure it usingĀ 

alternatives --config java

and select option 3 (or whatever number it is).

I have already tested this on our build server and my desktop to confirm that it works. If you have trouble, just fire back to the list.

Now that Robert is mostly finished with this and once I merge it, we can start reconfiguring Next to remove all of the visualization bundles and submit them for the EAVP Initial Contribution.


Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

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