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Re: [hono-dev] Command and Control / Cloud to Device

Based on our ongoing discussions around removing Hono Messaging for standard
adapters, the adapters would probably connect directly to the Dispatch Router
instead of going through Hono Messaging. However, this doesn't change the number
of receiver links that the routers need to handle.

As you and Jens pointed out, we still need the variant with Hono Messaging for foreign adapters. This means, that direct connection of the adapters will be a simplification in a lot of cases but the solution at all need to work with Hono Messaging involved as well. (All devices in the example could be connected to the XYZ adapter).
> Also a consumer application instance creates a sender link with the Router
> network for each device, to which it wants to send a command as soon as this is
> connected.

However, IMHO the application will usually close the sender link once it has
received the response from the device, i.e. we should not end up with millions of
(always open) sender links from the application to the AMQP Messaging Network.

I think this depends on the use case. If the scenario is something where a real control of the device for an amount of time is needed the creation and deletion of the links may not be the best. But you are right, that we should not allow always open links per default.

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