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Re: [higgins-dev] Dynamic setting updates for IContexts

I guess it goes without saying that if IConfigurableComponent.getComponentSetting() can return a Map (which in turn contains sub-elements that will be modified) then the IConfigurableComponent needs to make sure it can sense modifications to that Map.

For the time being, I added these very simple methods to IContext:


* Used to update one setting element for this context.  Oftentimes, an instance

* of IContext is also an {@link IConfigurableComponent}.  In this case, the new

* setting will typically be set (or reset) in the component's settings {@link Map}

* @param key setting name

* @param value setting value

* @param failUnsupported Default false. When true, the operation will fail with

* {@link NotImplementedException) if the context does not support settings of this type.

* When true, if the context does not support settings of this type, the setting will be

* ignored by the context.

* @throws IdASException


public void setComponentSetting(String key, Object value, boolean failUnsupported) throws IdASException;


* @see setComponentSetting(String, Object, boolean)


public void setComponentSetting(String key, Object value) throws IdASException;

If/when we iron out a nice solution for IConfigurableComponent, I'll switch over to that.

>>> Greg Byrd <gbyrd@xxxxxxxx> 06/25/08 11:38 AM >>>
For the second option (IConfigurableComponent.setComponentSetting), I assume
this would replace a component setting that was already there.  So we'd need
a getComponentSetting() for the case in which you just want to change an element
of a setting(e.g., add new element to list or map, remove element from list/map).

IMO, this would only affect the instance of the component being modified.

And, of course, this might trigger other actions in the general case,
essentially a re-configuration of the component.  For some components, the
setComponentSetting method could be quite complex, as the action could depend on
the particular setting being modified.


Jim Sermersheim wrote:
> both good points that I have no comeback for.
> Ok, so let's go back to choosing between these:
> IContext.setComponentSetting(String name, Object value);
> IConfigurableComponent.setComponentSetting(String name, Object value);
> For now, I'll do the former and if Mike or someone wants to talk about
> the latter, we can switch over later.
> Jim
>  >>> "Duane Buss" <dbuss@xxxxxxxxxx> 06/25/08 10:54 AM >>>
> Two Issues
>    *  How do I know if the context attribute is temporary or permanent,
> and is this a per instance attribute or a global setting that other
> instances of this same context will pickup.
>   * Doesn't this create confusion between config settings and context
> properties?   How many items in config would also be settable via
> setProperties?
> Duane
>  >>>
> *From: *
> "Jim Sermersheim" <jimse@xxxxxxxxxx>
> *To:*
> Higgins dev <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> *Date: *
> 06/25/08 10:36 AM
> *Subject: *
> [higgins-dev] Dynamic setting updates for IContexts
> Over the past month, we've had a number of requests to be able to
> programatically update different settings for an instance of
> IContext.  The use cases typically are for things where we need the
> context provider to behave differently based on changing conditions.
> At first, we started thinking we should piggyback the existing
> IConfigurableComponent interfaces.  Currently IContext does not extend
> IConfigurableComponent, but we could change that.  Two problems exist
> with doing it this way:
> * There's no way to update a single/specific setting.  It would be
> cumbersome or even break things to send in an entire new configuration
> Map each time we want to change a single setting
> * Often the component settings are shared among other components.  The
> ability to update that shared Map may cause other problems.
> So next, we started thinking we need a simple way to update IContext
> instance-specific settings.  The idea was to add something like
> IContext.setProperty(String propName, Object propVal);  One could call
> it like this:
> myContext.setProperty("UseSSL", "true");
> There are some questions like:  What if the CP doesn't support the
> "UseSSL" setting?  Should it fail the call to setProperty?  How does the
> caller discover ahead of time whether a CP supports a setting?
> I started looking at that and thought, wait a minute, IContexts *already
> have* properties.  They're called attributes.  All a cp needs to do is
> we need is to define special attribute identifiers which are valid to be
> placed on their context, and have a defined semantic behavior.  So one
> could make the same setting call like this:
> myContext.addAttribute(new
> BasicAttribute("",
> "true"));
> The benefits are that we introduce no new APIs, and the caller can
> discover whether the context's model allows specific settings
> Jim
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