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[higgins-dev] Notes for Higgins developers call on Thursday, March 27

Notes from the Higgins Developers call on Thursday, March 20th.


 Charles Andres

 Paula Austel - IBM

* Jeff Broberg CA

* Duane Buss - Novell

 Anthony Bussani - IBM Zurich

 Greg Byrd - NCSU/IBM

* Brian Carrol - Serena

* Tom Doman - Novell

* Andy Hodgkinson - Novell

Valery Kokhan - Parity Ukraine

* David Kuehr-Mclaren - IBM

* Mike McIntosh - IBM

Dale Olds - Novell

Ernst Plassmann - IBM

 Uppili Srinivasan - Oracle

* Drummond Reed - Cordance

* Bruce Rich - IBM

*Mary Ruddy - Meristic/SocialPhysics

* Markus Sabedello - Parity

* Jim Sermersheim - Novell

* George Stanchev - Serena

* Daniel Sanders

* Paul Trevithick - Parity/SocialPhysics

* Brian Walker - Parity

* Jeesmon Jacob

 Carl Binding

 Tom Caroll

Ernst Plassmann - IBM (STS, RP)



 Agenda and meeting notes 


1) [Mary] Website update project. See: [1]

[Mary]  We continue to work to improve the Higgins website and wiki.  Also, during EclipseCON last week we receive support from Bjorn to depart from the Eclipse "Phoenix" (Purple) look and feel and create a cool look and feel for Higgins.  So I have put togther a wiki page (link 1 below) that has the running list of improvements to be made to the website. Items are grouped together by category, with higher priority categories at the top.  As items become well defined, bugzilla items are entered and assigned to the appropriate release/build.  Please review the list and make comments/suggetions. Additional detailed suggestions are especialy appreciated for the downloads section.

[Mary] The Beyond_1.0 link on the project plan page (and the associated wiki pages) has been broken out into sections to reflect planned bug fix releases and 1.1 milestones.

[Mary]  Since last week, we have started working on a proposed protype for the new look and feel, it is still in process.

2) [Brian] 1.0.1 28-Mar bugfix release. See [2]

[BrianW] I am iterating on the list of candidates. Anything on this list that won't make it will be moved to the 1.0.2 release. We need to put a firm date on 1.0.2. Release 1.0.1 still has open tickets assigned to Valery to Li.  Also there are new tickets. 

[Mike] I'm having proritization problems. My biggest focus has been on RSA inteorp bug fixes, not other bug fixes.  So I' m not sure I will even be able to check on my assigned things sooner. Some items may be for 1.0.1 or for 1.1M1.

[BrianW] I can move them to 1.0.2 and determine if they are bug fixes or for 1.1M1.

[Paul]  Ther are 15 open items.  This seems high risk

[Mary] I just entered some web/wiki items that do not impact the build. They could be moved to another release/build

[Paul]  I just heard from TiLi, so it just comes down to Valery.

[Mike] Question: is the time frame fixed by some external driver?  Could we slip it to right before RSA.

[Paul] I'm on the same wavelength.

[Mike] I'm working off the trunk and adding new features for RSA.  It will take a significant bug for some significant partner for me to go back for a 1.0.1. or1.0.2. I'm  working on 1.1M1 from a time and prioroity point of view.

[Paul] MikeI think a lot of us are in that mode.  So we want to keep fixing just egregious bugs in 1.0.1.

[Mike] We need some criteria for when a bug fix goes into a bug fix release rather than the next milestone release.

[Mary]  Milestone build. We don't want to incur the overhead of formally releasing each stable milestone build

[Paul] We are playing it by ear.

[Mike] Even when it is easy, it is not necessarily easy to do a fix in two places as have to evaluate if code has shifted.

[Mike] Defining criteria is not easy, but if there is someone who needs a critical fix.

[Paul]  That is fair. I still think there are some fixes that are pretty easy. We have limited resources. Our focus is on the trunk - being reactive to bugs in 1.0.

[Paul] Brian will propose language on the list, revisit what realistically will be done, and the issue of what to use at RSA.

[BrianW] Ti Lii said he would get his done.  We can do a 1.0.1 or push it off and include some interop cleanups.


3) [Paul] What Higgins stuff will be shown at RSA?


... and by whom. Ideas:

- Selector selector called by browser OR app

- Selector calling CardSpace OR Higgins

- RP site (??)

- RCP Selector (??)

- Cocoa&GTK Selectors (aka DigitalMe)(Andy)

- Higgins FF-embedded or AIR selector (Paul & Mary)

- ...etc.

- I'll update [4] with what I learn

[Paul] What are we doing from a Higgins point of view?  I'm pretty sure the DigitalME selector will be shown.

[MIke] I'm focused on two main pieces of funtionality - support for managed cards backed by x.509 certifications and support for SOAP 1.2 and WS-Trust 1.3.  The revs that are supported in .net 3.5.

[Paul] So what would be demoed? .... 

The conclusion of the discussion was 

  • Cocoa&GTK (Dale and one other)
  • RCP Selector and Higgins IdP (Mike, Bruce, Tie) with (new) support for:
    • Managed Cards backed by x509 certs
    • Soap 1.2
    • WS-Trust 1.3
  • FF-embedded Selector and AIR Selector (Paul & Mary)
  • Selector-Selector demo (Paul & Mary) showing the use can choose
    • either IE & Firefox
    • either a Higgins selector or CardSpace
  • Maybe: a local app calling HSS.getDigitalIdentity() (Paul & Mary)

 [Paul]  Will put in notes on demo assignments on the RSA wiki pages.  These are now available at and below.


4) [Paul] RSA 2008 Update


- Charles has created this [4] for logistics


5) Higgins side meeting at RSA Tuesday AM. See [3]

[Mary]  Room is still TBD.  I will check with Charles and see if we can meet in the interop room at 9:00.  If, not maybe we could meet at IBM's offices on Market Street.  - Charles said the room should be open. 

[Mike] I'm checking with Tony.  He will see if an IBM room is available.

[??]  We need to be ready to go by 11:00.]

[Mary] Having a Higgins F2F Tuesday AM implies that everyone tests their set up on Monday afternoon.  See Charles' RSA wiki page at link 4 below. 


6) [Mike] ISIP-M extension point. Status?

7) After the regular call was done, we added an extra topic

[Paul] We are done with the agenda. We have an extra topic. Jim is going to talk about dereferencing complex values

[Jim] The wiki page is

[Jim] Need a method to "add a complex value" that world take a type and a representational name.  Notion of having named or unnamed entities.  

[Jim ] There probably needs to be a way to have a Content Provider show that it doesn't support (by throwing an exception?) values that are named entities.

[Jim]  Will need to refactor search filters.

Jim then described an example of a shipping address that was shared by a couple. Then they divorce and one party wants to update the shipping address. Does the system edit the shared address? or automatically crea e  an unnamed copy of  a new shipping address

[Drummond ] This is also related to the notion of versioning.  Need dedicated discussion.

[Jim]  I will propose a call for issue of what happens when change a shared entity.

[David]  Is this only for complex attribute values or for all objects?

[Paul]  We were taking the view that complex attribute values are addressible, but ... 

[David]  From an attribute point of view don't see the difference.

[Paul] We may need an adressing mechanism that can be arbitrarily deep

[Jim] The dedicated call will be Friday, March 28th at  at 4:00 MDT - Jim has sent out a bridge:

Time: 4pm MDT (3pm pacific, 6pm eastern)

Number: (712) 432-1620 passcode 597332#

- End.








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