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Re: [higgins-dev] Higgins dev call today at noon EDT

A little comment here, it was a agreed upon decision to commit the RCP Selector and the Selector-Selector to release 1.0 knowing that there were issues with function and build. This is not inconsistent with the other selectors within Higgins. The point being here is that we actually had a selector based upon RCP to show the Eclipse community.

Anthony Nadalin | Work 512.838.0085 | Cell 512.289.4122

Inactive hide details for "Paul Trevithick" ---03/20/2008 10:35:04 AM---Dial-in: 1-866-362-7064 / 892048#"Paul Trevithick" ---03/20/2008 10:35:04 AM---Dial-in: 1-866-362-7064 / 892048#


"Paul Trevithick" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>


"'Higgins \(Trust Framework\) Project developer discussions'" <higgins-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>


03/20/2008 10:35 AM


[higgins-dev] Higgins dev call today at noon EDT

Dial-in: 1-866-362-7064 / 892048#
Time: noon EDT (0400 GMT)

Proposed Agenda

1) [Mary] EclipseCon 2008
- 1,500 developers, 400 from Europe
- We gave a tutorial on Higgins 1.0: 17 attendees
 + Good news: Paul got the RCP Selector to build & run!
 + Bad news: it required help from Tie, Bruce, and Jeesmon
 + Paul is in process of entering bugs and needed wiki improvements
 + The RCP Selector has many rough edges
- Very fruitful discussions with Bjorn WRT overhaul
- A keynote was given by Sam Ramji (directs the Open Source Software Lab at
 Microsoft) mentioned Higgins.
- See [1] for Sam's blog entry
- Mary gave a short talk on security and identity
 with Matt Flaherty of (IBM, Equinox)
- Follow-up conversation about integrating Higgins and IBM's expediter
- Mary gave a short talk in Business track on marketing with partners
- Lots of traffic at Higgins Poster at Poster reception

2) [Paul] Release planning intro
- Brian to take over from Paul on managing of process
- Paul to nominate Brian as committer to give Bugzilla rights
- See [2]

3) [Brian] 1.0.1 bugfix release
- Brian to review current plan for 1.0.1 release on 28-Mar
- See [2] & click "Higgins 1.0.1 Open Issues List"

4) [Brian] 1.1M1,2,3... stable builds
- Brian to review current plan for 1.1MX releases
- See [2] & click "Higgins 1.1M1 Open Issues List"

5) [Charles] RSA 2008 Update
- Discussion of logistics
- Equipment requirements
 + there will be 12 20" displays, internet, power strips
- I3: wiki status at T-minus 2.5 weeks
- Who is showing what selector, RP, IdP
- What version (trunk or 1.0.1) are we using?

6) Other Topics?


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