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[higgins-dev] FW: Rich client test for the Interop

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From: Mike Jones [mailto:Michael.Jones@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, March 16, 2008 3:58 AM
To: Paul Trevithick; Mary Ruddy; Dale Olds; Andrew Hodgkinson; Anthony Nadalin; Michael McIntosh; Nennker, Axel
Cc: Pamela Dingle; Charles Andres; Caleb Baker
Subject: Rich client test for the Interop


Dear Identity Selector authors,


I've added a rich client application for the rich client feature test.  The test is at  The .zip file there contains both the (only 2 page!) C# source code and a Windows executable.  The application authenticates to a simple service running at, displays the claim values received by that service, and then uses the service.


Because we don't yet have a selector-selector standard yet, I suspect that any such application will currently be selector-specific.  Nonetheless, it would be fabulous to demonstrate the smart client functionality of all the selectors that support it!


Therefore, could one of you sign up to translate this simple app into Java and have it invoke your selectors instead of CardSpace?  I believe that this would both be a valuable interop demonstration (because your smart client application would still be using the same service in the same way as the Windows one) and it would provide good data on what it will take to enable selector-selector functionality for rich client applications that works across the different selectors.


I'm glad we are going to be testing this during the Interop, because it's far from a browser-only world out there!



                                                -- Mike


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