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[higgins-dev] Building RCP Selector for Higgins tutorial on Monday at EclipseCon

Tie, Mike, and Jeesmon,

I'm about to hop on a plane to San Jose. Tomorrow morning I'm going to spend
the morning in my hotel room making sure that I can build and run the RCP
Selector Solution [1]. I'm running on Windows XP with IE7 with Sun's JRE
1.4.2. The goal would be to show it at the Higgins tutorial that Mary and I
are giving Monday afternoon at 4pm pacific. 

Since I don't usually build & run this selector, I'm going to be a guinea
pig and follow the directions in the "deploying" section here: [2] (which I
now see refers to as yet unwritten sections about the HBXIE browser
extension here: [3]). I'll be following the instructions here [4] to build
the main RCP app. From a quick glance at the .PSF on [4] it appears that we
are still building this solution from the trunk instead of the 1.0.0 branch
(the .psf doesn't reference the B1-0-0 branch). So it may no longer build. I
guess I'll find out.

>From my quick look at the build instructions there are a couple of areas
that look like they could trip me up:
 - building HBXIE without doc
 - building the RCP APP off of the unstable trunk (vs. the released B1-0-0

I'm sending this email just in case one of you has any great tips, advice,
etc. WRT the above concerns or any other you know about. Any help and advice



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