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[higgins-dev] Notes for February 28th Higgins developers call

Belated notes for February 28th call:


 Paula Austel - IBM

*Jeff Broberg CA

* Duane Buss - Novell

* Anthony Bussani - IBM Zurich

* Greg Byrd - NCSU/IBM

* Brian Carrol - Serena

 Tom Doman - Novell

* Andy Hodgkinson - Novell

Valery Kokhan - Parity Ukraine

* David Kuehr-Mclaren - IBM

 Mike McIntosh - IBM

Dale Olds - Novell

* Uppili Srinivasan - Oracle

* Drummond Reed - Cordance

* Bruce Rich - IBM

*Mary Ruddy - Parity/SocialPhysics

* Markus Sabedello - Parity

* Jim Sermersheim - Novell

* George Stanchev - Serena

Daniel Sanders

* Paul Trevithick - Parity/SocialPhysics

* Brian Walker - Parity

* Jeesmon Jacob

 Carl  Binding


Proposed Agenda


1) [Mary] Eclipse is making progress in addressing the Wiki/Website navigation issue. They have a prototype of the new approach that allows you to use your project left navigation tabs on the wiki pages.

- Mary: please email link to the list

2) [Brian] Status of 1.0.0 branch; also status of 216670

3) [Paul] Summary of Access Control telecon on Wednesday

4) [Mike, Jeesmon] Status update on Higgins Selector Selector component

- advertising it as a separate component on the components page

5) [Mike] Status of "extensible ISIP-M" i-card format specifications

6) Replacement for Node

- see attached voting results "node replacement v18.PNG" (Entity wins)

- see

- see attached ITU-definition-of-identity.PNG (and "entity")

- see full report of ITU

7) 1.0.1 Release planning

- rename "Node" in IdAS (again)

8) [Paul] What are the barriers to adoption & use of Higgins selectors?

- lack of RP libraries that support OpenID AND I-Cards for php, python, ruby, perl, AND for "platforms" (e.g. Drupal, Wordpress, e-commerce storefronts, etc.)

- lack of standalone Higgins website

- need for marketing/evangelism efforts to the "long tail" developers, web 2.0 developers. For example, should we team up with some OpenID folks and do a multi-city one-day seminar on "user-centric identity" covering both OpenID and Information Cards?

- need for more engagement with the folks

- lack of marketing resources in general for Higgins project

- adding i-card login to Eclipse SVN, bugzilla, etc.


Meeting notes:


1) [Mary] Eclipse is making progress in addressing the Wiki/Website navigation issue. They have a prototype of the new approach that allows you to use your project left navigation tabs on the wiki pages.

[Mary] One of the big limitations of Eclipse Project websites when used in conjunction with the Eclipse Wiki is that the Wiki has Eclipse navigation tabs rather than project navigation tabs. Eclipse now has a prototype for a wki page that can use the nav tabs of the specified project.

[Mary] The test page can be found at

[Mary] I sent out an email before the call with the link for the test page and to the bugzilla item. The prototype page is now in a comments period. Please update the  bugzilla item with any comments you have and to voice your support for having this implemented quickly.

2) [Brian] Status of 1.0.0 branch; also status of 216670

[Brian]  We successfully completed the build of the 1.0.0 pages.  A spot check looked ok. If any one notes any problems, send a note to the dev-list. 

[Brian]  Concerning item 216670 Peter did make a change to the status update. It looks fine.  It would be great if Mary could follow-up.  We will coordinate. The change was to remove the trap on the wiki updates screen.

[Mary]  I will follow-up.  Item is now resolved (with a thank you from the person reporting the problem.)

 3) [Paul] Summary of Access Control telecon on Wednesday

[Mary]  It was great to have a call on moving this topic forward.  It is good to be past the point of working to get 1.0 out and to be moving forward witplanning new development work. 

[Paul]   I appologize for any confusion about the time.  This first call was to answer the question about what is the road map for IdAS. The general concensus is we want to develop a long term plan. The first baby step is an API hook to let consumerof IdAS query for access control primitives. Next step afterward may be hooks to inform an external policy engineThere were several people interested in it. No one has yet stepped forward to lead this group.

4) [Mike, Jeesmon] Status update on Higgins Selector Selector component

- advertising it as a separate component on the components page

 [Paul]  The next topic is the Higgins Selector Selector component. Is Mike on the call? The next two items on the agenda require him.

 [Paul ] Jeesmon can you comment on the status?

[Jessmon]  Did the checkins.  Need to check with Mike about moving code. Wiki still needs to be updated.

[Paul]  Email me so we can coordinate

 [Jeesmon] OK

5) [Mike] Status of "extensible ISIP-M" i-card format specifications

[Paul] The next item: Tony says we don't need extension point or wrapper We will defer this item until Mike or Tony are on the call.

[Drummond]  That is important enough, can we arrange another call for this.  Don't want another week to go by

[Paul]  Will you organize that?

[Drummond]  Yes

6) Replacement for Node

- see attached voting results "node replacement v18.PNG" (Entity wins)

- see

- see attached ITU-definition-of-identity.PNG (and "entity")

- see full report of ITU

[Paul]  Entity is the winner with subject being runner up.

[Paul]  I was hoping Tony or Mike would be on the call. I want to make sure we understand that using entity breaks tradition. This is a serious step.

[Drummond]  That is partially because the word Identity by itself is ambiguous.

[Jim]  Niceone word. Can use in both places as it is self evident thatreference in computecode is a computer reference and not a physical entity.

[Upplil]  Do you consider this closed?  Is there a rush?

[Paul] There is no urgency . 

[Paul The way we currently use entity is consistent with the ITU and identity Gang Lexicon. The attachment referred to an ITU meeting.

[Paul]  The reason to put it on the agenda is to make sure that people understand the objections.

[Paull]   I still don't think we are in sync.

[Uppili]  The question is are we all on the same page?  Until we have that, don't think we should resolve it

[Paul]  Since some of key people not on the call, can't make a decision on this call

[Paul]  In light of the ITU paper are you considering adding digital identiy to the list and holding another vote?

[Drummond]  A two word phrase is too long and will get shortened.  Get everyone on same page about objections. Entity is a three syllable word that starts with a vowel.

 [Jim Vowles are bad?

[Drumond]  They make pronunciation difficult.

[Uppili]  If yolook at the vote, it says replacement for node. Do we know what we are voting for?

[Paul] Voting for the digital representation name.

[Drummond]  Entity is defined as not the representation in literature.

[Mary]   Suggestion  - provide more definition, then have a call for discussion.

[Paul]   Agree.

[Drummond I'm not a zellot about any one word. Just want to caution the group that we may be making a classically bad decision.

[Paul]  This is why I pounded on the ITU thing

[Uppili I want to hear how peoplwho arpro - entity respond to the ITU input.

[Paul]  Are you proposing a call?

 [Uppili Yes

 [Drummond]  A dedicated telcon

[Paul] OK

7) 1.0.1 Release planning

- rename "Node" in IdAS (again)

[Paul]  Next is release planning. Dates were picked. Need people to step forward and indicate what they need for a 1.0.1 and what they plan on doing and can commit to. 

 [Paul] The floor is open. March 15 is the target date If no  one steps forward we should take it off the table and plan further out.  It was Mike and MS plugfest that originally drove the date. There are some bug fixes (mac). There may  be reason enough with key bug fixes.

[Drummond]  Paul, is that one bug fix enough?

 [Mary, Paul] Yes.

8) [Paul] What are the barriers to adoption & use of Higgins selectors?

- lack of RP libraries that support OpenID AND I-Cards for php, python, ruby, perl, AND for "platforms" (e.g. Drupal, Wordpress, e-commerce storefronts, etc.)

- lack of standalone Higgins website

- need for marketing/evangelism efforts to the "long tail" developers, web 2.0 developers. For example, should we team up with some OpenID folks and do a multi-city one-day seminar on "user-centric identity" covering both OpenID and Information Cards?

- need for more engagement with the folks

- lack of marketing resources in general for Higgins project

- adding i-card login to Eclipse SVN, bugzilla, etc.

 [Paul]  I left this to the end as it could be a free ranging conversation

[Paul  Do people generally agree that what we need is places to use the card? 

[Drummond]  I strongly agree. Like OpenID deja vu.

[ Uppili OpenId has a collection of sites to experiment with.

[Paul]  Lack of libraries is a real barrier.  Need packaged solutions.

[Drummond Strongley agree.

[Paul] I think we should build  Open ID and i - card support in

 [Uppili and  Drummond] Yes.

 [Drummond] Some are already adding i-card support.

 [Jeff Some of the RP code is not high enough level.  It takes a lot of work to use in various ways an enterprise.

[Paul] Higgins needa stand alone website.  Not a java IDE add on plugin.  I've gotten that feedback. Need something well designed that easily communicates.

[Paul] Site has improved greatly as part of 1.0, but still not very good.

[Drummond  +1  Needs an Apache like stand alone site and presence

[Paul]  Presence is a good word.

[Paul]  Another thing suggested was a multi-city one day seminar. This might be self funding. Don't kow if this is true.

[Mary]  After we have better tools, it would be useful to make a push.

[Paul]  Though maybe some don't even understand the basics and would benefit from an overview.

[Drummond From an Open ID perspective, OpenID camps, light weight - no cost model. They were very successfu. There was a lot of demand I think it is a great idea.

[Paul] I and Drummond and some others have taken steps to engage the data portability group.

[Paul] Higgins lacks marketing resources.  There maybe some solutions to that.

[Paul]  Tom sent an email about having Eclipse use it.  If we can get the Eclipse  Foundation to use i-card signin, we could get a whole new audience. They may want to use the RCP selector.

[Drummond]  Definitely.

[Paul]  That is all for this meeting.

[Drummond Will have a call for node and extension stuff.

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