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RE: [higgins-dev] Notes for Higgins February 21st Developers Call

I was a silent lurker <g>


From: higgins-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx on behalf of Mary Ruddy
Sent: Thu 2/28/2008 11:43 AM
To: 'Higgins (Trust Framework) Project developer discussions'
Subject: [higgins-dev] Notes for Higgins February 21st Developers Call 



* Paula Austel - IBM

 Jeff Broberg CA

*Duane Buss - Novell

 Anthony Bussani - IBM Zurich

 Greg Byrd - NCSU/IBM

 Brian Carrol - Serena

* Tom Doman - Novell

 Andy Hodgkinson - Novell

Valery Kokhan - Parity Ukraine

* David Kuehr-Mclaren - IBM

* Mike McIntosh - IBM

Dale Olds - Novell

* Uppili Srinivasan - Oracle

* Drummond Reed - Cordance

* Bruce Rich - IBM

*Mary Ruddy - Parity/SocialPhysics

* Markus Sabedello - Parity

Jim Sermersheim - Novell

 George Stanchev - Serena

Daniel Sanders

* Paul Trevithick - Parity/SocialPhysics

* Brian Walker - Parity


* Carl zurich


Proposed Agenda


1) [Mary] Higgins 1.0 press release this morning. New home page. Slightly improved downloads page.

2) [Brian] Status of 1.0.0 build, branch; also status of 216670

3) Higgins for first timers. 

- Firefox-Embedded Solution status

- make it easy to (a) get a selector (b) try it at sites

4) [Mike] SAML2 / STS IdP merge Planning

5) [Paul] HSS Planning

The plan to add a new "Higgins Selector Selector" component to the components page. 

The plan to develop HBXFF (analogous to HBXIE) as a new project under the "Higgins Browser Extensions" category. The plan to retire the current <> .

The plan to develop per-platform {Win, OSX, RPM??} installers to install:





- oneOf:{AIR, RCP, GTK, or Cocoa} Selector

- anything else?

A new <>  page has been created. Also other old HBX pages have been renamed to add the word "embedded" etc. and thus to make room for the new clean, HSS-compatible HBXIE and HBXFF (and HBXSAF) extensions.

6) [Tony] Data Model

7) This week's special topic is on "Changes to IdASRegistry to reflect the concept of an absolute NodeId, which was created during the F2F"

8) And if we get through 9) we could discuss a simple access control policy proposal for IdAS. Links from <>  


Meeting Notes.

1) 1) [Mary] Higgins 1.0 press release this morning. New home page. Slightly improved downloads page.

 [Mary] The Higgins 1.0 press release went out this morning. It contained quotes from a number of companies in the Higgins community and can be found at  Many thanks to all those who did the work to make Higgins 1.0 software release possible and who supported the press release. The press release points to the new home page. The downloads page was tweaked slightly but we still have a lot of work to do in making it easy for people new to Higgins to find the download that they want. Please send suggestions for continuing to improve the website/wiki to the dev list. 

[Mary]  A release 1.0 is a major milestone. It is also just the beginning. There is more work to be done and more ideas to be implemented to support the vision of user-centric identity.

2) [Brian] Status of 1.0.0 build, branch; also status of 216670

[Paul] The next topic is the 1.0 builds.  What is the status, as there were problems with the first build run.

[Brian]  We are running another release build now. Hopefully we will have a build within the hour.

[Mike] Is there anyway to coordinate this better in the future?  

[Brian ] We can send out an email blast to the dev list  for 1.0 and any other major build milestones.

[Paul] Brian this is a question for me. Will the branch be done after the release build is successful?

[Brian] Yes.

3) Higgins for first timers. 

- Firefox-Embedded Solution status

- make it easy to (a) get a selector (b) try it at sites

[Paul] The next item on the agenda is Higgins for first timers. Mary and I have been doing press interviews and it is very sobering. People say great, lets try it out, and then we don't have a good place to send them.

[Paul] Even if we just had one wiki page with a few links to the selectors, it would help. I will try to organize a push to do that. If I could get help maybe from you Mike for the RCP selector and maybe Andy for the GTK and cocoa selector. So new people can easily get going with a selector.

[Mike] OK. I think as a process we should be doing this before we declare victory.

[Paul]  I agree. But there are very few resouces commited to that. It is only the preasure of saying 1.0 that spurs people to clean things up.  

[Mike]  I had no idea there would be press release going out. It might have motivated people if they had known about this.

[Mary] We talked about this in two sessions at the F2F <mailto:F2F@f>  with the release schedule.

[Mike] We have talked before, but it was not cast in stone.

[Mike] We need to have polled developers on whether they are ready.

[Paul] That is fair. 

  4) [Mike] SAML2 / STS IdP merge Planning

 [Paul] The next thing is...

 [Brian]  I have a comment on 216670. No answer yet.

 [Paul]  Item 4   People are asking for a plan. What is the code ?

 [Mike] The answer is we know about a couple things we need to do. We need a  SAML2 token generator built.This is really not that hard. Is just a question of where this is on priorities. I wish Tony was on the call to speak to priorities.

[Paul] OK.

[Paul ]  In next fews days need to sequence the next milestones.  I'm assuming this is a long term thing. 

5) [Paul] HSS Planning

The plan to add a new "Higgins Selector Selector" component to the components page. 

The plan to develop HBXFF (analogous to HBXIE) as a new project under the "Higgins Browser Extensions" category. The plan to retire the current <> .

The plan to develop per-platform {Win, OSX, RPM??} installers to install:





- oneOf:{AIR, RCP, GTK, or Cocoa} Selector

- anything else?

A new <>  page has been created. Also other old HBX pages have been renamed to add the word "embedded" etc. and thus to make room for the new clean, HSS-compatible HBXIE and HBXFF (and HBXSAF) extensions.

[Paul]  The next topic is HSS. We have the beginnings of a Higgins selector selector. And a new air based selector is in the works.  We need to understand the plan.  Mike you are the component owner of the SS. I want to talk about how to coordinate our efforts.

[Mike] I apologize for not having the card schema thing done yet. We probably have to start documenting the interfaces so that we can divide the work up. So the interface between the SS and each selector, for example needs to be done. Unfortunately don't have the resources.  We do need to divide the work.

[Many] Agreed.

[Paul] That is sensible.

[Mike]  If you have something started, it would be great if you could share it.

[Paul]  Right. Jeesmon do you want to say any more.  This is an area needing more planning and coordinating.

[Mike] We need to bounce around the architectural decision.

[Paul] Agreed. I've seen a HSS, two browsers and two selectors that are not yet contributed.

[Mike] Most of these extensions need to be written in C++.

[Jeesmon] Yes. 

[Mike] These will be platform specific when they build.  It 's hard to know exactly what architecture we are building to.

[Paul] I completely agree. We need to carefully document and coordinate our architectures. This will be painful to change later. Mike since you volunteered to be the component owner can you draft a proposal for coordinating.

[Mike] I agree. Didn't know there was so much activity going on.

[Paul] The next topic is a special topic proposed by Markus.

[Markus] At the F2F we came up with the idea of absolute node id's. Is  Jim on the call?  

[Tom] No, he is on a customer call.  

[Paul] Then we should defer until next week.

[Paul] The next item is  HOWL.  I sent an update link  To the dev list. 

[Paul] There is access control required for the rcard.  If no one has had any time to review the proposal, we can have a conversation later after it has been reviewed.

[Paul] Have you had a chance to look yet?

[Pau] Would there be interest in a focused call on access control next week? 

[Tom] Yes.

[Paul] In the meantime, I will try to put more flesh on the bone.

[Paul ] I will put an email out to the dev list with a proposed time for next week, and links for stuff to look at ahead of time.

[Many] OK.

[Mary] Tony is not on the call so we should defer the data model conversation.

[David] I can speak to that. It is the abiltiy to point to an attribute. 

[Paul] Drummond has been bugging me about that.

[Drummond] Yes, and it is not just for logical completeness. We find in xdi we need to do this all the time. 

[Tom] Based on what I see, I thought we were agreed, and that this was resolved.

[Paul] I will look at the emails from last week.

[Tom] I have a question on the 1.0.0 release. We have been working on bug fixes to the jndi context provider.

[Paul]  Branch hasn't happened. It is almost here. Brian we are doing a build right now

[Brian] Yes. If it is successful, we will branch.

[Paul] When this occurs you can checkin.

[Paul] Thanks everyone. 













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