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RE: [higgins-dev] What's in a name?

In light of the "Sameness of Context" thread, I would argue that ContextRef #1 below lacks information needed to be considered to point at a single context. Two providers may produce context instances based on that reference where both contexts are very different.
That's based on my assumption that two equal ContextRefs will produce two equal contexts. If my assumption is off, I need to re-adjust my thinking.

>>> "Paul Trevithick" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> 7/25/06 1:27 PM >>>



In the past ContextRefs have been implemented using a two part identifier. The first part uniquely identified the provider/factory the second part was the unique id of a context managed by that factory. This is what you call 1) in your email below.


We want to move towards your 2). We want the IdAS user to be able to request that it open a Context by URI without having to know which provider/factory to use a priori (use case #1 here).


Whereas in #1 the form of the context id part was entirely up to its "creator" provider/factory, now we envision a ContextRef being a URI formatted string that may be used by (or at least examined by) more than one provider. This raises lots of questions.


Consider the following ContextRefs:


  1. http://www.fabrikam123.example/HR/employees - an LDAP directory
  2. proprietary-scheme-a://contactlist - user's contact list stored as tab delimited file


IdAS can ask each registered provider whether or not it can open this ContextRef. Provider A may respond that it can open #1 above and Provider B may respond that it can open both #2 and #1.




  1. Since providers are ultimately the generators/assigners of new ContextRefs should we allow them to assign their own schemes if they use proprietary technology (as in "proprietary-scheme-a" in #2 above)?
  2. Do we assume all URIs that use the HTTP scheme are resolvable? (URLs)
  3. Beyond resolvable, should we require as Tony has suggested that all HTTP-scheme URIs are also WS-Addressing endpoint references? (This would solve the problem of how a provider could get the policy and other metadata to help it try to open and access the context data)


BTW, I envision some context providers will be developed that use XRIs for their ContextRefs.




Jim wrote:


I wonder if we have different ideas about what's in the Context Reference URI.


1) Until lately, I thought it contained at least the name of a context factory, plus the name of a context. I wasn't sure what either of these looked like, just assumed they were both required.


2) From discussions, I think some others think it only holds the name of a context (in some form). This allows one URI to be used against multiple factories to produce the same Context (albeit possibly via different IContext instances, using different config and policy, using different AuthN, and thus semantically different).


3) Tom assumed it was a pointer into a context definition file. In our world, that segment of the definition file names the factory used to produce that context.



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