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Re: [hawkbit-dev] hawkBit Installation & Usage queries - ELIOT - Akraino - Opensource

Glad to hear about your plans to integrate hawkBit to the ELIOT platform!


Let me try to answer your questions:


1) Supported type of software for installation


For hawBit it doesn’t matter what kind of software you’re going to ship and install on your devices. The update process on the device itself is very specific

however from the backend-side (hawkBit) process is always same: Manage the binaries, ship a bunch of files to the device and get status update the update state back.


2) . Compatibility using the  UI


Not sure if I understood correctly. Management of the updates (upload firmware, version management, select devices for update, monitor the update process) will be done via hawkBIt’s UI.

At the end you as a user are in charge for the assignment of software to a device. Therefore people usually leverage “controller attributes” from hawkBit to build device filter based on device characteristics  (e.g hardware revision, model type, …).

Nevertheless the device can reject the update due to incompatibility anyways (depends on the implementation of the client).


3) Docker


It depends on your setup, how much you want/have to customize and last but not least the environment.

For example hawkBit supports all major cloud storages (e.g S3 or Azure Blob storage) but they are not included within the docker images.


Hope this helps to gain a better understanding of hawkBit!


Best, Dominic


From: <hawkbit-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Srinivasan Selvam <srinivasanselvam2014@xxxxxxxxx>
Reply-To: hawkbit developer discussions <hawkbit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, 30. September 2020 at 11:39
To: "hawkbit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx" <hawkbit-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "khemendra.kumar@xxxxxxxxxx" <khemendra.kumar@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [hawkbit-dev] hawkBit Installation & Usage queries - ELIOT - Akraino - Opensource


Hi hawkBit community,


I am working on ELIOT project of Akraino Opensource.  We are planning to integrate hawkBit to ELIOT Platform.  


I have analysed hawkBit and I have some queries related to it.


I have referred below link to install hawkBit.


I found that hawkBit has

1. containerized env installation (From docker)

2. From Source code

3. From sandbox


I have installed through containerized env using docker and UI runs in my local machine



Below are my queries,


1. What are all the softwares supported which can be able to install / update / remove / rollouts on remote nodes connected? 

( Our priority is to integrate Edge computing related packages )


I have referred some of the api docs.  


2. Do we have the compatibility to install the softwares on nodes remotely using the  UI?  and Also do we have some guide on how to use UI to install the softwares, update, remove and rollouts on remote nodes?


3. Do we have fully containerised docker env compared to sources? Or any part still needs to be containerised when comparing source code ?   Which one is the preferred way to install (From docker / From Sources)?


We are looking forward to get support from Eclipse HawkBit community.  Thanks in Advance.




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