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[gmf-dev] Incorrect model file generated

I have a scenario where I am using Dynamic EMF to load external Ecore along with the static ecore so that at run time I have access to objects from both
the ecores. I have defined a GMF Object (AnyObject) in Static ecore which I used to represent all the objects from external ecore on canvas graphically. Now this AnyObject have self reference to it so that we can have multiple levels of connection like BaseObject->AnyObject->AnyObject->.........

When I load diagram with Eclipse 3.2 with GMF v1.0 plugins where there is multiple level of these AnyObject it generates model file like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:PASample2="platform:/resource/" xmlns:_21500CSCTxLife1201ClientExtension2="">
          <anyTypeLevel xsi:type="_21500CSCTxLife1201ClientExtension2:ABCType">
            <anyTypeLevel xsi:type="_21500CSCTxLife1201ClientExtension2:BCDType">
              <anyTypeLevel xsi:type="_21500CSCTxLife1201ClientExtension2:ChildExtensionType"/>
            <anyTypeLevel xsi:type="_21500CSCTxLife1201ClientExtension2:ABCType"/>
            <anyTypeLevel xsi:type="_21500CSCTxLife1201ClientExtension2:ABCType"/>
    <anyTypeLevel xsi:type="_21500CSCTxLife1201ClientExtension2:ChildExtensionType"/>

But when I load same diagram with Eclipse 3.3 with GMF v2.0 plugins where there is multiple level of these AnyObject it generates wrong model file which editor itself is not able to load again like

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:PASample2="platform:/resource/" xmlns:_21500CSCTxLife1201ClientExtension="">
          <anyTypeLevel xsi:type="_21500CSCTxLife1201ClientExtension:ABCType">
            <anyTypeLevel href="">             <anyTypeLevel href="">            <anyTypeLevel href="">          </anyTypeLevel>
    <anyTypeLevel href="">  </_21500CSCTxLife1201ClientExtension:ABCType>

If you see then it gives correct information till first AnyType level and for rest it just puts info like href="" which seems like it is putting some XPath reference but editor itself is not able to load this information correctly in diagram representation.

Could you pls help me identify as to where should I look for this or what could cause this problem.

Gaurav Mehta

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